Page 29 of Prince Of Sloth
This bed was our confessional. And in the sanctity of our pillows and down comforter, we were our own salvation.
The drought stricken scenery was a mix of grey, browns, and red clay between rooftops, too blue swimming pools, and smoggy air as we made our way back to L.A.
I hadn’t gotten much sleep after Ezra woke up in a starved state after he had healed completely. Between whispered promises and long moments of wordless conversations, he’d devoured me, fucked me, and edged me until I was crying from relief.
I didn’t know what to expect when we got back to his brother’s club, but he’d warned me of their titles before we arrived. There hadn’t been any word of a wounded priest in San Diego, and that worried Ezra more than he would tell me.
When we entered Sitri’s office, the Prince of Lust, he had looked me over while stroking the inner thigh of the woman perched on his desk. Two other men lounged on a large leather sofa. One eyed Sitri and his companion closely with a proud affection in his eyes so bright that I could have sworn I’d seen light coming from behind them.
“What have you brought back with you, brother?” the third man said, getting to his feet and holding out a hand to me expectantly.
I looked up at Ezra then down to the book I had been holding close to my heart for the duration of our return trip.
“It’ll burn you . . . won’t it?” I pulled back a step, but the handsome man only chuckled and pinched the thick book between his thumb and index finger.
“No, darling,” he said, his voice silky and dark. “This book and I are well acquainted.”
“How?” My voice cracked, but he only smiled.
“This is the only copy of theMalleus Maleficarumthat I helped forge. You see this stained marking here?” He pointed to something that looked like a serpent lying on a box that rested on a bed of small, perfect circles. “The deal I made with its author was broken a century after I’d placed my sigil on its bindings. A fortuitous betrayal.”
I let the book go as he pulled it from my grasp. He looked at Ezra and gave him a dip of his chin. “That is one debt paid. How will you fulfill the other with the Leviathan gone?”
“By taking back the burden I placed on Ipos and aiding him in finding the ring myself.”
“Alone?” the blond man still sitting on the sofa chimed in, gruff disbelief in his tone. “And what about the Hunter?”
Ezra looked over his shoulder at him, then at the couple sitting at the desk. “I won’t let my brothers shoulder my crown anymore. Alessio is as good as dead without the book, and he broke the treaty when he touched what didn’t belong to him.”
Their eyes all landed on me. My skin burned.
Sitri gave Ezra a crooked smile and a knowing nod. “Find something more in San Diego than the blasted book, then?”
Ezra’s chest rose and there was determination in his next words. “I know my place on this plane. I’m sorry it took me so long to rediscover it, but I’ll make it up to you.”
Sitri stood and crossed the office to stand in front of Ezra and extended his hand to him. When Ezra took it, Sitri pulled him into a strong embrace.
“I’m proud to call you my brother. Welcome home, Prince of Sloth.”
Sitri’s words tightened my throat and brought a haze of tears to my eyes. Watching the two immortal men appreciate and acknowledge each other’s weaknesses filled my heart to the brim until they pulled away and Sitri returned to his beautiful woman.
Ezra addressed the man watching the display across from me. “Eli, is there something in that book that could help me find what Ipos is looking for?”
Eli shrugged playfully, and his smile brightened to a mischievous grin. “And what will I get in return, my prince?”
Eli—I committed his name to memory—seemed to be a collector of very rare things, including favors.
“I’m guessing you wouldn’t settle for backstage passes to a Luci in Furs reunion tour?” Ezra joked.
“That’ll be the day,” Eli mocked. His eyes settled on me. “What of this lovely treasure?”
“You wouldn’t survive the night.” Ezra wrapped his arm around my shoulders and tightly pulled me into his side, but not out of possessiveness.
Eli contemplated this for a moment. It wasn’t a threat that I could sense, but there was an understanding that smoothed his dark features into another smile. “Then I suppose you’ll owe me something else just as valuable in the future.”