Page 105 of Hog Tied
“Thanks, Master,” he said, then kissed me quickly.
We were soon joined by Ryan again and Beast. They sat, and all of us Doms watched the circus that was the big table with all the excited subs.
“Sir…what do we call you?” Beast asked Ryan.
“Patrick now, but Ryan in private. I always hated the name Patrick, but it wasn’t up to me. Patrick fucking O’Malley, like how on the fucking head?”
“Rather than your real name? That’s as Irish as kidney pie,” he said, laughing.
“I think we lost our boys for the night,” Noah said, smiling. “They’re having a blast, though.”
“It’s great for Joel and Theo,” Damon added. “Neither had a ton of friends, but now look at them. If Xen had come and a few others, we’d have a club full of them.”
“We do now,” Burke said, beaming over to Joel. “Joel is in heaven right now. As much as he likes sex, I think he loves this better. He’s finally included.”
I saw the same with Theo. I’d never seen him smiling, chattering, giggling like a kid, hugging Joel and Brett. Brett came over to check in a little later as all of us Doms laughed. “Are you guys okay without us a while longer?”
“Sure, babe,” Ryan told him. “You needed this.”
“I did. Of course, PJ and Ben are giving me so much hell! I used to kid them a lot about having so many boyfriends, and now I have a husband and two boyfriends,” he said, gazing down at me. I pulled him in for a deep kiss filled with the passion I felt for him. He stood back up, a little unfocused. “Wow. That was…good.” He gave me a cheeky wink and then went to Ryan to kiss him before leaving us again.
Burke poked, “Four…is a number, huh?”
“How’s this all gonna work?” Noah asked, just staring hard from Ryan to me. “I mean…didn’t you guys just buy a house?”
I explained to both of us. “We’re going to announce it, or we were, but it wasn’t incredibly detailed. None of us are like you, and Eli set out to be monogamous. It may have crossed our minds some in the beginning, but we’re not ready for that. Unlike Burke, Damon, and Joel, having a big time with different men each weekend here didn’t feel right. Now, you all have the relationships that work for you. That is fucking great, and we all have our things we need. Ryan and Brett were somewhere they had to be with many men, and while they’re still polyamorous, they wanted to…narrow it some.”
Ryan took over, “Narrow it a lot. I like having Brett to myself, but then, these two, sexy as hell and sweet, just took us in and treated us so well; I’ll tell you, it didn’t take long for Brett and me to figure out we wanted more. So, we all had a long talk, and we will be poly with only each other for now. Not saying it’ll stay that way forever, but we’ll live in our own homes with our respective men, then visit a lot, switch men once in a while for a day or two, but Brett comes first for me, Theo for Hud. It’s simpler than it sounds.”
“Are you in love?” Noah asked, his jaw hanging a little.
“Yes,” we both said, then laughed.
“Sounds like the story of my life. Beware, you tend to…expand if you’re not careful,” Beast warned with a booming laugh.
Damon said, “Don’t give them ideas.”
“I think we’re plenty covered,” I started, then grabbed Ryan’s hand. “With Ryan, I feel something I’ve never felt. He’s allowing me to discover things about myself, like once in a great while, not always, but I want to completely submit once in a while. And he’s agreed to be that dominant for me. Brett, he’s the sweetest thing, always there for me to listen, to give me…the affection that Theo maybe isn’t so into. That’s fine, I love Theo for the sass and the struggles, but Brett, he just lets me be easy. In each of them, I’ve found things I’ve always wanted.”
Burke slapped me and said, “I’m fucking happy for you guys. Really.”
“And the dominant Theo?” Beast asked.
“Hud and I are coaching him, and there will be a day or two when Hud comes to see me for a couple days, and Brett will go there, and Brett will be Theo’s submissive.”
“Oh, so you’re the head, Dom, Brett is the bottom baby, and these two are switches, basically?”
“Yes,” Ryan told Damon. “Damn, that’s much less complicated when you put it that way!”
When we finally did take the stage, it was well after one in the morning, but we had a purpose for it. Ryan, still in his mask, let me do the talking.
“Hey, everyone,” I said, then the crowd that wasn’t engaged in some kind of sex cheered. I waited until they quieted some before I continued. “We have a little ceremony more for us than anything, but it’s important to us. Please, humor us for a minute or two.”
Beast’s boys were clapping hard and calling out our names, and Theo and Brett waved to them before Ryan barked, “Behave. Stance, now!”
They both went to their knees, and he called me over to him. He had a chain collar with a small lock and placed it around my neck. “Will you submit your will and control to me in trust and love?”
“I will.”