Page 19 of Hog Tied
“Damon, babe, what the hell are you talking about?”
Joel finally spoke. “He’s talkin’ ‘bout gettin’ the money. We make that guy believe Eli’s gone, take his money, and by the time he knows the truth o’, it’s too late.”
Winking at Joel, I said, “That’s brilliant, Joel, Damon.”
“I believe I should get at least a finder’s fee,” Theo said.
“Sure, Theo,” Damon agreed. “But most of it, well, should go to Eli. I think we’d all agree.”
After crossing his arms over his chest, Theo mumbled, “Fine. I guess.”
“Wait, how do we convince Harvey that I’m dead?”
“The pigs,” Joel suggested. “We snap a picture of you lyin’ there, dead, and then we throw some…I dunno, jello? Out to red up the pigs’ mouths.”
I had to laugh at that, but it was clever. “We can use some creative photography, yes. With Javi helping, Theo’s contact told him we’d pull it off.”
“He’s gonna want payment, too,” Theo mentioned. “And payment to keep quiet.”
“Would he have to know it was bullshit?”
“No, I suppose not, but he’d still want a cut for telling me about it.”
Eli sighed, “I don’t want a dime. Really. I just want this to be over.”
“There is one way to make it over,” Theo alluded, hinting they should kill Harvey.
“No,” Eli rushed. “I am not him. I’m no killer.”
“Fine,” Theo huffed. “Does this mean we’re friends now?”
They all stared at him, but I understood. “Theo, is that why you did this?”
“Well, you told me I should be nice and make friends here. Saving someone’s life should get me at least an invitation for brunch.”
Burke laughed heartily, then the others joined in, and I had to do the same. Theo was a strange nut to crack, but overall, he had a decent heart under all the silk.
Chapter Five
We made plans, then they stayed for another two hours to help clean the rest of the rooms. Things went pretty quickly, but watching Theo, he kept peering at the others like he expected them to buddy up with him.
When they left, he seemed a little dejected. I knocked on his bedroom door, and when Theo opened it, he wore a silk robe that fell open to his exposed dick. The length of him, though he wasn’t more than five foot eight or nine, his trim litheness made him seem taller. The guy had the perfect six-pack, and I could tell Theo was flexing his gut, but it worked. He was beautiful.
I averted my eyes as well as I could and asked, “Theo, what happened today?”
“You were there. I was nice, but they still didn’t befriend me. Fuck them, fuck you, and fuck this hellhole. As soon as I can, I’m gone.”
The door slammed in my face, and I was lucky I’d moved back before it did. Still, I smiled. Theo did have a heart locked away in there, and maybe one day, he’d choose to use it.
I wasn’t holding my breath.
In the morning, I woke up, ready to cook breakfast again, but when I got there, I saw Theo at the table, eating cereal. He pointed to a bowl filled with Cheerios with a milk carton beside it. “I told you I can’t cook.”
“Cereal’s fine. Cereal…is great.”
He wore a T-shirt and blue jeans, but his hair was pulled back in a short ponytail. Though he had a thick lining of black around his eyes and colored lip gloss, he looked ready to work, but I feared asking. I didn’t want him to pull away again.
“When can we call those people to come to fix things? I can’t take more showers in there.”