Page 22 of Hog Tied
“Needs some work, surely, but for us, it’s fine. We can do the fixin’ and have us a wonderful place, as least as long as possible.”
I still didn’t understand until Dale waved at us as he drove to the trailer. “What is so great about that place?”
Noah told me, “The two had a tough time. Flynn couldn’t pay much, and even pulling in together on their pay, they had to rent a motel room. Rents around here went high after the pandemic. Damn shame, anyone not owning is paying double on those mortgages for the people they’re renting from.”
“Shit. Well, I planned on finding a place here if and when Theo doesn’t need me. Maybe I can find a place they can share.”
Burke laughed, “He’ll have a rescue for wayward pig farmers.”
“Well, I was helped a few times. I was working some shit jobs before you hired me. Security Guarding in office buildings for pay that no one can live on, man.”
“Paying it forward. Good for you, son,” Noah said. “Go check on them.”
I laughed but understood. As soon as I walked into the house, I heard laughter coming from Theo’s room. As I neared, it got louder, and I went to the room's open door and stepped back in shock.
Eli glanced over at me, and he didn’t just look dead; he looked like he’d been dead for a couple days at least.
“Theo killed me,” Eli said, and they laughed again.
He was pale, sure like you’d expect, but he was gray. The black circles around his eyes were puffy, and his eyes… were gray, like Theo’s, only lighter. “What the fuck?”
“I have contacts to change the shade of my eyes. These are some that were new; I’d never worn them.”
I felt someone behind me, and I turned to see Joel, whose mouth was wide open as he stared. “Well, I’ll be…”
“Isn’t he great? I look…terrible!”
“Ya look deader than a doornail! Wowee! Scared the be-Jesus out o’ me!”
“You’re not alone there, Joel,” I whispered.
Eli, the model-beautiful man, was horrific looking.
Theo also had a camera that was sitting on the desk. I went to it and picked it up, recognizing it as an expensive model. “Theo, are you a photographer?”
“I play around,” he said, blushing. I didn’t know the man could blush, which only made him more beautiful. “I thought we’d use that to get the pictures of Eli. I also found some red food coloring in the kitchen. Mixing it with a little syrup to make it thicker will make good blood.”
“That’s…really smart.”
Joel agreed, “Real smart! Theo, you’re really sumthin’!”
“Thanks, Joel.” He asked Eli, “Who is this guy? The one after you.”
“Harvey,” Eli groaned. “I left him right before I met Noah. He was sore about it and tried to kill Noah and pin it on me. When that didn’t work, thanks to Joel?.”
“I di’n’t do nothin’.”
“You saved my life, Joel. Anyway, when he couldn’t do that, he took off. Burke knows Javi and asked him to help us find Harvey, and he did. He brought him to Burke’s barn with the club before it was finished, like it is now. They made him transfer all his money, and we all split it. I didn’t want that, but…they did it, and it helped everyone. They didn’t count on the apartment, the other assets he had, that I’m sure he’s sold to pay for this…this hit on me.”
“Sure. Well, I’m happy to help you fuck Harvey over.”
“Thanks, Theo. You helped me a lot with this.”
Again, a pink broke out over his nose and cheeks, and he looked away, embarrassed. I also didn’t know he could get embarrassed.
Again, he surprised me.
We found a nice flat area with dirt and grass and had Eli lay there. I hadn’t noticed in the bedroom that he had “bruises” around his throat. “I guess you were strangled?”