Page 35 of Hog Tied
“Yeah. I’d love that. I like it here. I hope you will want to stay here, even after settling things.”
“Can I think about that?”
“Sure, but you have to know, I won’t move to a city again. I hate the city. I can’t.”
Theo nodded a little and then looked up into my eyes. “You like me?”
“Yeah. I’m…falling hard for you, Theo. You’re special. As much as you try to hide it, I see it. I see you.”
He lunged for me, and I quickly caught him, and my arms encircled that sweet body, feeling him trembling a little at his show of emotion and vulnerability. I held him and knew then I’d never let him go, not entirely.
Muffled as his mouth was against my shoulder, Theo proclaimed, “I’m not going to be able to just…change! You can’t just ditch me when I’m rude.”
“And you can’t expect me to blow it off. I’ll likely put you over my knee and give you a good spanking.”
His arms fell away, and he moved back to stare at me. “Spank me?”
“Yeah. Or worse. I’m a big, mean Dom. I’m going to make you my sweet, obedient submissive.”
“Well, that’ll be a trick.”
“Yeah. It sure will.”
Chapter Nine
When Theo lay back on the bed, his eyes heavily lidded, I knew what he wanted, and I wanted it too. I could think of nothing I wanted more than to fuck him, but again, I didn’t want him to think that was what I wanted from him.
“Come here,” he whispered.
I crawled over him, my stubbornness softening as I looked down on him, his hair fanned out on the pillow. “Like this?”
“Yeah. Like that.”
“Would you like me to sleep here tonight?”
I moved to kiss him softly, one tender touch of my lips to his, then I whispered, “We’re not fucking.”
“What? Why?”
I lay beside him, watching him, ready to have one of his patented fits. He was reddening, his chest was heaving, and the storm was back in his eyes. “Theo, I want to know you first to figure out all this. If we fucked, it would be great, but what then? I’ve started relationships by fucking, and they never work. I want this to work.”
Calming before my eyes, Theo stared hard at me, examining me closely. “For real?”
“Yeah! Did you think I said everything so I could get in your pants? I have the feeling I could have done that weeks ago.”
“I…well, maybe. I have…been a little…aroused around you.”
“Just a little? That dildo in your ass last night wasn’t to tempt me to come in and fuck you?”
He couldn’t help the smile that bloomed. “Oh, yeah. I guess it was.”
“You guess. Right. Besides, you’ve been a naughty boy. You must show me how much you want my dick and me.”
Huffing like he’d been punched in the gut, he turned his face to blink up at the ceiling. “I don’t know how well I’ll take to being bossed around by you. I’m not exactly submissive by nature.”
“I think you are. I think, more than anything, you want someone to show you how much they want you by tying you up and making it so you can’t leave.”