Page 42 of Hog Tied
Watching Theo downing the wine like it was water, I got more nervous, but everyone sat around, talking normally like there wasn’t a massive elephant in the room. I made up the guestroom for Ryan and Brett, then cleaned my room for Danny and Javi. Since it was so late, they’d stay until morning, but I knew I wouldn’t get any sleep until I got it out of Theo.
When everyone else begged off the rest of the night to adjoin to their rooms, I took Theo to the kitchen. “Tell me. All of it. Now.”
“I can’t. You sign confidentiality clauses when you stay at the dungeon. I can’t breathe a word of it.”
“Oh, yes, you can,” I growled. “Talk!”
Theo’s hands were wringing together in his lap, and he would look anywhere but at me. “You knew I stayed there.”
“Yeah, I did, but the second you saw them, you almost shit yourself. What did you do?”
“Why do you just assume that I did something?”
He stood and tried to stare me down to distract me, but it wouldn’t work. “Because I know you.”
“Tell me, or I’ll beat it out of you.”
“You will not lay a hand on me, you Neanderthal!”
Well, we’d come full circle. “I may be a monster and a Neanderthal, but I’m your man now. I have a right to know what everyone else seems to know.”
“Danny and Javi don’t know.”
I was so frustrated; I could have put my fist through a wall. “Theo, tell me. I must trust you’ll tell me the hard and the easy things.”
He paced, walked to the window, stared, and threw back, “You’re a monster. Some things should be secret.”
“Not between two people that love each other.”
He spun on his heel and glared hard at me. “So now, you’re telling me you love me? Now? Are you insane?”
I hadn’t meant that to come out right then, nor how it had, but it was out, and I could do nothing. Besides, I should do the same if I wanted Theo to be truthful. “Yeah. I’m crazy about you; we’ve established that.”
He tried to leave the kitchen, but I quickly caught him, and he fought me, pounding his fists on my chest, but I simply moved him to me and held him until he stopped. “I do love you, Theo. Do you…maybe feel the same?”
With one hard thrust, Theo pushed away from me and screamed, “Of course I do! Do you believe I’d put up with all this for one minute if I didn’t?”
“Then say it, you fucking prick!”
He started pacing again, mumbling as he did, his arms thrown into the air, his head shaking and nodding as Theo rambled, “This fucking guy pushes me around, calls me names, keeps me hidden away like some hothouse flower, and now he wants me to confess my love like we’re in some sugary romance novel with a guy on the cover slick and muscled, hair blowing in the wind! I’m not some damsel he needs to save from a castle on a cliff! Am I wearing some flowing gown? No! Just because I was a slave, which doesn’t mean I’m his fucking slave, but now they’re here, and they’ll tell him everything!”
I leaned back on the sink, arms folding over my chest as I listened to his confession and smiled as he went.
“He’ll know everything I did, and he says he loves me now, but wait! Wait until Hud knows, and he looks down on me for it.”
I finally had enough and pushed off the sink, grabbing him around the neck with my arm and holding him tightly. “Let me piece this together. High Master and High slave? I’m guessing they ran that dungeon where you were, and you weren’t the Dom you claim to be, not there. You let yourself be used and degraded there and crawled for other men, right?”
“No, Theo. Do you think I judge you for that? Do you think I’d see you as pitiful or something?”
He struggled against me again, but I got to the hall, pushing him to the wall and holding him there quickly with my hand on his throat. “I don’t judge you for that, Theo. I love that you are strong enough to kneel. That takes a callous, noticeably confident man, and I knew it was there in you. I knew that, but now I know for sure. And if that’s what you want, I’ll give that to you.”
“I don’t want that!”
“Theo,” a voice said from the stairs, and I jumped and turned to see Brett approaching us. “I’m sorry, you all, but the walls aren’t exactly like back home…I mean, in the dungeon. We could hear.”