Page 57 of Hog Tied
“I think that’s very wise.”
In the kitchen, I was shocked at the progress. The things not drying in the rack were put away, and half the cabinets had the new drawer pulls in place. Theo was still chattering away, and so was Brett, and Ryan glanced over to me with a wink.
“Boys,” he said, and I watched them both turn to Ryan and me. “You both are being great. Really. It’s time to start figuring some things out, though.”
“Like what? What’s wrong?” Theo said, walking right up to me, demanding, “What is going on?”
“Nothing bad, Theo.”
“Sure. I don’t believe you. You both look like you’re guilty of something.”
“I hate to agree,” Brett said. “But he’s right.”
“Okay, okay,” Ryan said, then confessed, “We are having a bit of a tough time. We need to figure out our places here. I mean, think about it. Theo, you own this place now, and you’re making it comfortable for you; you have a purpose. Brett is finding our new home. All the things that Hud and I were doing right before this it’s over, and we’re not sorry about that. We just…need a new purpose and to get our bearings. What better way than to start Theo’s training, and Brett, you’re retraining.”
“Retraining? For?”
“Asking questions? Who the fuck am I, Brett?”
I was overcome as I watched Brett lower to his knees, serenity smoothing out his face. “I’m sorry, Master.”
Theo fidgeted as he looked from Brett to Ryan, then to me, his eyes pleading. I stood a little straighter and said, “You too, Theo. Now.”
Theo wasn’t nearly as graceful about it, but he got to his knees, then looked up at me. “These pants will be ruined.”
Ryan stood over him and laughed. “Did you just backtalk your fucking Master?”
“No! No, Sir.”
He straightened up, and I had to hold back my laughter. “You two finish here for now while I get Hud straightened out with his new duties. And no talking. I don’t want to hear one fucking word from this room.”
They both got back on their feet, and Ryan took me to the living room. “There. Your new purpose.”
“They were having fun in there. I kinda feel bad, you know, making them not talk.”
“You didn’t. I did. They’ll still talk. They’ll whisper, and I guarantee they’ll keep having fun. They’re both probably sporting wood right now too.”
Ryan pulled me back to the doorway, nodding into the kitchen. I peeked around the jamb and saw he was right. They were both grinning like little kids, Brett elbowing Theo as he whispered to him in his ear, and sure enough, I couldn’t see Theo’s, but Brett had a tent in his pants.
“Well, fuck,” I said as we moved away from the door. “How’d you know?”
“It’s in them, being submissive. You knew it about Theo, just like I did. It’s a…way they have a look in their eyes. And to a real one, there is no greater joy on earth than serving a dominant. I saw it in the dungeon. You’ll be soft on him, which he might not need. If you feel like he needs some praise, by all means, give him some. But he needs to be led. You heard him.”
I had heard him. He needed the discipline and care he didn’t get as a child. “Okay. I want to give him what he needs, but he’ll fight me. He can’t help himself.”
“He did the same thing at the dungeon. He smart-mouthed and acted out, but we led him back in line. You’re going to do the same.”
I suddenly didn’t think I could. I felt less than masterly. Ryan’s big hand was on my shoulder before I knew it, and he squeezed pleasantly. “You can do this, Hud. I know how much you love him. He knows. He pushed you to love him, right?”
“Yeah,” I said with a laugh. It felt good. “Theo did, and I do.”
“And, well, he’s pushing for this too.”
Everything he said was true. He took me to the back bedroom, closing the door behind us. “We need some privacy.”
There was an old bed in there, and he sat me on it, then paced a little as he started listing things off. “Get your boundaries, yes. Have you done that?”