Page 82 of Hog Tied
What a night of decadence it was. A blur, indeed, some of it, but most of it I’ll remember fondly for the rest of my life. Theo sucked Brett for a while until Brett asked to fuck Ryan, and Theo gazed over at me, asking the same of us. I didn’t receive it often, if ever, but for him, for the night, I was all for it.
It hurt like fuck when Theo pushed in me, and he was very gentle, rubbing a hand over my back, and Brett held my hand. “Ryan doesn’t often either,” he said.
“If it’s too bad, tell me,” Theo said, stopping halfway in me.
I nodded to both of them. “I’m good. It’s gonna hurt a little, but I’m good.”
Feeling Theo shaking, I moved my hand back to his leg, squeezing him. “I’m okay, baby. Please, don’t worry. I’ll holler if I can’t do it.”
“Are you sure?”
Ryan slapped a hand on my shoulder. “He’s got the right instincts, after all.”
“I noticed,” I said, even as Theo asked us what we had discussed.
“I’ll tell you later, babe.”
He pushed in more, then stopped checking me, and once I gave the okay, he moved the rest of the way inside me. It took me a while to adjust, as Theo wasn’t a tiny guy in the dick department.
“He’s huffing like a bull,” Brett said, laughing a little. “Wait a little bit longer, Theo.”
“Get in me now, Brett.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Soon, the two of us were getting fucked by our men, and Ryan and I kissed like two sloppy drunks, unable to hold a kiss well or long, but it didn’t matter. It was a true foursome.
Our men both let loose on us like we had on them, and Theo was grunting hard, sounding like the piggy we called him. I laughed even as I groaned and looked back when I could see him.
His face was terrific, stony, teeth sinking in his bottom lip, eyes narrowed like he was angry, but he wasn’t. He was enjoying it, having the upper hand, and not only that, like Ryan said, his instincts were excellent.
Not only did he check me often, he fucked like a champ, pinging into my prostate enough to make me want to bottom much more often. I felt my orgasm coming on strong, and Ryan was already screaming about his own as his hand was under him, stroking his dick.
I did my face on the cushion, losing my fucking mind to the sensation of it, but it was far from over. Theo pulled out and took me in his arms, kissing me hotly. “Come inside me. I’m clean. I was just tested at the dungeon; it’s mandatory.”
“Are you sure?”
“If you are.”
I kissed him and whispered to him, “I’d be happy to, and I got tested right after the weekend at the club. I had a condom almost break, so I got scared.”
“Then…nothing stopping us.”
“No, there’s not.”
I pushed him onto the couch and got behind him, and when I pushed into him, Ryan was screaming out as he started to come. I went insane on Theo, banging the orgasm right out of him, then, when he came, I came right after, filling his sweet hole with my cum for the first time.
I fell back on the floor near the fireplace, then looked over to see the other three were like beached whales on the floor and couch. “Fuck, that’s…wet,” Theo complained, squirming.
Brett asked, “Was that the first time you did bareback?”
“Yes, of course. And it may be the last. This feels…very strange.”
“Won’t be the last time, Theo,” I warned.
He crawled over to me, lying beside me. “Whatever you want. I think I like making sure you’re happy.”