Page 21 of Anton
“How do we deal with . . . needs?”
I smirk. “Take a cold shower. It works wonders.” I pick up my car keys and mobile and lean over the bed where she lays to place a kiss on her head. “Rest. Call me when you wake and I’ll have a car get you. Please do not leave this hotel alone.” I head for the door. “Oh, and was I just good or was I amazing?” She figures that I’m referring to her dream, so she blushes again and throws a pillow in my direction. Her laughter rings out as I leave with a smile on my face.
Chapter Seven
I’m waiting outside when Michael arrives. He stops the car inside the garage and pops open the boot. I look down at Alexander’s huddled form. His putrid smell fills my nostrils. He smells like he’s pissed himself and drank half a gallon of whiskey. His glazed eyes reach mine, and he smirks. Michael tugs the rag tied around his mouth down a little. “Alexander, you’ve been a hard man to find,” I say.
He grins. “I took a piss in your lovely car.”
“Still as charming as ever.” I sigh. “Get him in the basement.” I step out the garage and take in a lungful of fresh air. The garage covers a secret tunnel that my father had built. It goes under the house and leads to several rooms. These rooms have seen some brutal killings, especially under my father’s reign.
My mind wanders back to Piper, and I find myself smiling. “What got you all happy?” Ella joins me in the garden, hugging a cup of coffee.
“Why are awake so early?” I ask. Of course, I already know the answer is because she’s plagued by nightmares. She sees a therapist every week, but it doesn’t seem to be helping.
“Mum had a bad night,” she says. I grit my teeth in agitation, and Ella spots it. “She can’t help it, Anton. She’s depressed.”
“About what?” I snap. I’m tired of her self-pity.
“You know what about. She loved Dad and she misses him. Despite what he did.”
“Despite what he did,” I repeat, rolling my eyes, “he doesn’t deserve her love, or anyone’s for that matter. She needs to stop now. I’m losing patience with her, Ella.”
“She can’t just stop being depressed. It’s an illness. With our support, she’ll come out of it in her own time.”
I shake my head, doubting that very much. “I’ll talk to her later.”
“Maybe that’s not such a good idea when you’re so mad at her. I could do without you upsetting her and sending her back instead of forward.”
“I’m going to talk to her,” I say firmly. “As the head of this household, I’m laying down some new rules.” I turn to go inside the house, but Ella takes my arm to stop me.
“Please, Anton. Let me deal with her. I can feel a breakthrough coming at any time.” I pull my arm free and go inside. This has to be done.
I work out for an hour in the gym attached to my office. I have too much energy right now. Usually, I’d burn that off with women, but lately, I can only think of one woman I want, and she’s not an option at the moment.
I shower and then spend some time in the office before Michael enters. “I picked up Piper and drove her home.”
“Thank you. I appreciate it. Was she okay?”
“Smiling from ear to ear. What did you do to make her smile like that?” He smirks and takes a seat.
“Not what you’re thinking.”
“No?” He looks surprised.
“The plan has changed slightly.” Michael sits forward with interest. “I’m going to marry her for real.”
He laughs, throwing his head back until he almost chokes. “Sorry, what?”
“She can handle shit. She makes me laugh. She’s hot. She knows how to behave at dinner parties. What’s not to like?”
“I thought you were doing this to piss off Hulk and appease the capos. Now, you’re telling me this is real?”
I shrug my shoulders and rub at the stubble on my chin. “I don’t know. There’s something about her, Michael.”
“And she’s happy with this new plan, is she?” he asks sceptically.