Page 23 of Anton
It gets to eight in the evening, and I dress for my date with Hulk. I’m still feeling weird and can’t shake the feeling that this is wrong.
Usually, Mae would be here helping me, but she’s been so tired since she returned, and I didn’t want to bother her. I throw my hair up then take it back down because it reminds me too much of my date with Anton. I change into jeans but then hate the way they cling to my arse, so I swap them for a short summer dress.
By the time I get downstairs, Hulk is pacing. He’s wearing his usual jeans and T-shirt along with his club kutte. “We’ll be late if you don’t get a move on,” he huffs, and my heart squeezes. Earlier, he was sweet and bashful, now he’s back to snapping and being irritable.
My mum smiles from the couch, where she’s sitting curled up next to my dad. “You look pretty, baby girl,” she says. At least someone noticed.
I follow Hulk outside. He throws his leg over his bike and stares at me expectantly. I look down at my short dress. It’s the kind that has a flowing skirt, and the second he moves the bike, it’ll be blowing up around my neck. “I’m not really dressed for the bike, Hulk,” I point out.
“I’m a biker. I travel by bike.”
“But I dressed for a date, not a ride on your bike. Can’t we take a car?” I ask through gritted teeth. Hulk sighs and gets off the bike, then he goes to the gatehouse and swaps the keys for a club car.
By the time we make it to the restaurant, we’re ten minutes late and Hulk is stressed. He stomps inside, and I practically run behind to catch up with his long strides. It’s hardly a great start to our first date.
The waiter pulls out my chair as I sit opposite Hulk. “What can I get you to drink?” the waiter asks politely.
“I’ll take a bourbon,” Hulk grumbles, picking up the menu and opening it. When he makes no move to order my drink, I smile weakly at the waiter and add a glass of white wine to the order. I know I shouldn’t compare this date to the ones I had with Anton, but somehow, I keep doing it, and it’s making me feel disappointed.
Glancing around at the candle-lit tables, other couples are all chatting animatedly. I close my eyes for a brief moment and take a breath, warning myself to stop comparing. Hulk is different, and that’s one of the reasons I like him.
“This is nice, isn’t it?” I ask brightly.
Hulk continues to stare at his menu. “If you like sitting with strangers less than two feet away and eating overpriced food.”
“Why did you choose this place if it’s overpriced?”
“Because it had a free table. The others I tried were fully booked.”
I change the subject. “It makes a nice change to get out of the club together. We’ve never done this before.”
Hulk hands me the menu. “I suppose.”
The waiter returns with our drinks “So, are you and Anton together?” he asks.
“We’ve been on two dates. What about you?” I ask. “Are you seeing anyone?”
“You know I don’t have relationships, Piper.”
“You used to tell me you don’t date, yet here we are.”
He ignores my comment and looks around uncomfortably. “I didn’t know you liked this kind of thing.”
“All women like to be treated once in a while, Hulk,” I say with a little laugh.
I stare at him for a few moments. He’s gorgeous but in a different way to Anton. They’re both well-built men, but where Hulk has a roughness about him, Anton has an air of importance. They both appear confident and strong. While Hulk prefers his jeans and T-shirts, Anton dresses in tailor-made suits. I drain my glass and sigh.Why am I comparing them when Hulk is the man I love?
“I’ve never had to do any of this for a woman before,” he says.
“You don’t have to do it now, Hulk. You asked me on a date. I haven’t forced you into it.”
Hulk sighs. “I have competition now though. He flashed the cash and off you ran.”
I’m insulted that he’s insinuating I’m only interested in Anton for his money. It’s not like Hulk doesn’t have any. All the guys at the club live a comfortable life. “You think I’m that shallow?”
“I don’t know, Piper. I feel like I don’t know you very well at all lately. Lucy said the same. She’s worried about you.”
“You talked to Lucy about me?” I know they share the same dad, but still, it feels weird knowing they’ve discussed me.