Page 36 of Anton
I almost choke on my drink. “So, you’d get your kid and then dispose of me like a piece of rubbish?”
“Or you could live a happy life by my side, raising my children. It’s your choice.” This conversation suddenly feels very real, almost like he’s confirming this is our future.
I force a laugh, but he doesn’t join me. “Why do I feel like I’m having a conversation about something you’ve already decided?”
“You knew I wanted something from you, Piper.”
My eyes widen and I lean closer. “A few dates is what you said, Anton, not a fucking family,” I hiss.
“Careful, Piper, let’s not take the attention away from the purpose of the night.”
I glower at him, folding my arms across my chest. “We are not having sex, Anton. I will not have your child.”
I let Piper have her tantrum. Pulling her up on the way she’s acting will only cause it to get heated, taking the attention away from why we’re all here. “I don’t know why you think you’re calling the shots when I hold all the cards.”
“This ends tonight,” she mutters, staring out across the guests. “I don’t want any of this. I did what you asked and attended a few dates, now I want to go back to my normal life and—”
“Hulk?” I cut in. “Your normal life with Hulk? Is that why you thought I’d like this,” I point to her dress, “no underwear bullshit? He treats you like a whore, and you dress like one?”
She balls her fists at her sides, her face red with rage. “He loves me in his own way. And you’re hardly treating me any better.”
I scoff, rolling my eyes. “I bring you to my home in Italy. I introduce you to my family and friends. I give you two orgasms without taking anything for myself, and you think I’m treating you badly?”
She drinks the glass of Champagne like water, not even wincing as the bubbles go down. “You blackmailed me to be here.”
“Which is exactly why I get to tell you when we’re done. And in case you didn’t get the message,” he leans closer, “we’renotdone.”
“You wanted your men to see you with the same piece of arse more that once. Now, they have, so the job’s done.”
Her glass is replaced for a third time, and I shake my head at the waitress to indicate she won’t need any more. “Think about it,” I say. “Where are you more likely to be happiest? With me, playing the part of a pampered princess, or at the clubhouse with Hulk, hating you after he finds out you aborted his child without telling him and your father looking at you like a piece of shit because you danced like a call girl in my club?” She snatches up her glass and rises to her feet. I tug her dress lower at the back. It barely covers her arse cheeks, and I’m regretting my decision to not lay down more specific guidelines. “Where are you going?”
“Away from you,” she retorts, walking away.
I snigger as Michael fills the vacated chair. “Going well?”
“I need to marry her while she’s here in Italy,” I say, and Michael’s eyes widen in shock. “Maria saw her carrying my son.”
Michael rolls his eyes. “Maria is grieving her own son, and she’s probably had too many sambucas.”
I shake my head, my eyes fixed on Piper’s rounded arse as she leans over the bar to speak to the waiter. “No. She knew I’d cheated. She said if I wasn’t careful, I’d lose Piper, and she’d take my son away.”
“Listen to yourself. Piper isn’t even yours, and you’re talking like she’s pregnant. Maria is crazy. And who the hell have you hooked up with?”
“Aurora,” I admit on a sigh, and Michael slaps me on the shoulder, laughing. “It was a mistake. One I won’t repeat.”
“It’s not cheating when you and Piper aren’t real.”
I knock my drink back. He might be right, but I still felt guilty for it. “Invite Alberto and his brothers to the house tomorrow evening. He’s going to marry us.”
Michael frowns. “Anton, you’re acting crazy. She’ll never agree to that, and are you actually saying you want to be tied to this woman forever because of some bullshit that Maria made up?”
I nod. “She won’t think the marriage is real until it’s done. I have a plan. Tell Alberto I’ll brief him when he arrives.”
Michael murmurs something in Italian under his breath. “As your advisor, I’m making it clear I think this is a bad decision. If,” he sighs, “whenthis goes wrong, you’ll have to give the order for her to disappear. Are you strong enough for that?”
“It won’t go wrong. Call Alberto.”