Page 56 of Anton
Hulk brings his eyes to me. “Piper,” he murmurs, and I hear the pain this time as his voice cracks, “tell me he’s lying.”
Tears roll down my cheeks. “I’m so sorry,” I whisper.
He growls, taking a step back and lowering his gun. He turns his back to us, and I see his chest rise and fall like he’s trying to regain his control. “Get out,” he mutters.
“Hulk, I—”
“Get the fuck out of this club. You’re not welcome here. Either of you,” he yells.
I look to Ace for help, but he stares at me hard. “As President of this club, I back my VP on this. Get out.”
“Sorry, old timer, but that's not your call,” says Anton, tucking his gun away. “Not when your Vice President has been skimming money and drugs from me.”
Hulk laughs and shakes his head. “Fuck you. Mafia piece of shit.”
Ace stares at Hulk and then looks back to Anton. “He wouldn’t do that.”
“Do you think I say this shit without proof? You’ll be at my office this evening at ten. We’ll discuss a new deal.” Anton takes my hand and pulls me from the clubhouse. I can’t see from the tears and I stumble a few times. He passes the shopping bags to one of the bodyguards and then swoops me into his arms. I stare over his shoulder as we leave my home, and my heart breaks all over again.
The drive back to Anton’s is a blur. I hear him say my name several times, but I can’t bring myself to speak. My throat is dry and my head is pounding. All I can see is Hulk as his eyes filled with pure hatred.
The car draws to a stop outside and I open my door before Michael can and get out. I move quickly, not really thinking about the direction as I round the back of the house. “Wait,” orders Anton. I march faster, desperate to put some space between us. “Piper,” he yells.
“Fuck you!” I scream, breaking out into a run. “Fuck you.” I keep running until I’m swept off my feet and pulled hard against Anton’s chest. I try to break free, squirming and lashing out. I yell and scream and curse over and over until I exhaust myself and fall limp in his arms. He buries his face into my hair and whispers apologies until I’m completely still.
“I love you,” he mutters.
“If you loved me, you wouldn’t have done that,” I whisper, my voice hoarse from my yelling. “You put your need to slay Hulk above me.”
“I can’t stand the thought of him coming between us, Piper. What the fuck was he talking about with you going to him?”
“Nothing happened,” I yell. “I haven’t been near him like that in a long time.”
“You didn’t rush to set the record straight, I felt like a fool. And then he practically confessed his undying love to you, and you just stared like a goddamn fish.”
“I was in shock. He’s never put himself out like that.”
“Did you consider it? His offer?”
“No, of course not,” I snap. “I was trying to find the right words to let him down gently, and then you waded in with your big mouth full of secrets.”
“It should’ve been an instant reaction for you to have picked me,” he spits.
“Stop telling me how to act,” I scream. “I have a heart, and I’m not like you. I can’t hurt people on a whim. When he asked me to choose, I realised I didn’t feel anything for him anymore,” I yell, waving my arms around like a crazy person.
“You didn’t feel what?” he asks.
“Love,” I snap, scrubbing my hands over my face. “I realised I didn’t love him.”
“Because you love me?” asks Anton, looking hopeful.
I release a scream, staring up at the sky. “I don’t know,” I yell, “because I can’t think straight when I’m around you. You intoxicate my sense until all I see is you and it clouds my mind. You need to just . . .” I inhale sharply. “Stop. Just stop.”
I tap my fingers on my polished wooden desk. Ace should arrive any minute, but my mind is full of Piper. As soon as we got into the house, she ran off to the spare room and refused to come out for dinner.
Michael watches my fingers. “Do you want me to deal with The Rebellion?” he asks. I shake my head, and he sighs. “It’s just you seem a little preoccupied.”