Page 69 of Anton
“They do if you know the right people, apparently,” I reply dryly. I drain my glass and refill it. “Okay,” I say, “I’ll tell you everything, but I don’t need your judgement.”
“Piper, we’d never judge you,” says Mae.
“I mean of Anton too,” I add. “He tricked me. I thought it was a fake wedding but turns out it wasn’t.”
They stare at me wide-eyed for some time before Mae finally begins to laugh. “You had me there.” I stare back blankly until she stops laughing and her smile fades. “Oh my god, you’re not kidding?” I shake my head.
“She’s not. Ella told me,” admits Lucy.
Mae glares at her. “And you didn’t tell me? He can’t do that,” she cries. “We’ll get the marriage annulled immediately.”
I shake my head. “I can’t. I looked into it.”
“Of course, you can. You didn’t know, and unless you consummate it, you can have it annulled.”
I stare down at my glass. “Holy shit, you slept with him,” hisses Lucy.
“I’m not proud,” I admit.
“Then we’ll go to the police. Someone must be able to do something,” says Mae, outraged.
“He did it out of love,” I explain. “I know he didn’t go about it in the right way, but he meant well.”
“Are you seriously defending him?” Mae snaps. “Wait until I tell Ace.”
“I don’t want anyone to know,” I say. “This stays between us. I was just as shocked as you guys, and I’ve been really upset over the whole thing, but—”
“Don’t you dare say you’re forgiving him,” snaps Lucy.
“Not exactly. I’m not ready to forgive and forget, but I’m not ready to leave him either.”
Lucy groans. “The man is a pig.”
“How did it go with Ella?” I ask, changing the subject.
She rolls her eyes. “It’s hard to dislike her.”
“I told you,” I agree with a smile.
“So, do you plan to go home, either to the club or to Anton?” asks Mae.
I shrug. “I don’t know. I can’t stay here forever. It’s costing a fortune, but it’s been lovely and peaceful.”
The receptionist heads our way, smiling. She stops at the table and holds out an envelope. “This just arrived for you,” she tells me.
I take it, frowning. “Well, open it,” Mae pushes, leaning closer.
I rip it and a set of keys falls out. I reach inside and retrieve a note. “It’s an address,” I say. My mobile bleeps, and I open the text.
Anton: For you. A house full of the space you require.
“Anton,” I explain. “I think it’s a place for me to stay.”
“Well, let’s go and see,” says Mae excitedly.
The cab draws to a stop outside the address Anton sent me. It’s an apartment block with a security entrance. We head inside, and the man behind the desk smiles. “Welcome to Eaton Apartments. How can I help?”
“Erm, I have this address,” I say, passing him the note I received.