Page 15 of Pursued
My heart squeezed. He’d remembered. That I liked not just honey beer, but ginger. The day we’d met, I’d just eaten a couple of ginger snaps. From then on, Gabriel said, whenever he smelled ginger, he thought of me.
Oh, God. I can’t do this.
I wrapped my fingers around the icy glass. My lips felt hot, dry. I ran my tongue over them. His gaze tracked the movement, and I stilled.
A long finger touched the bottom of the glass, tipping it toward my mouth. “You’re thirsty. Drink.”
I obediently sipped. It was good, sharp with a hint of sweetness. “Mm,” I said with genuine pleasure.
He regarded me unsmilingly. He was too close, his wild green scent wrapping around me like a seductive scarf. My stomach tightened with yearning. My nipples beaded against the satin scrap they’d given me as a bra.
I set the beer down and inched closer, desperate to press myself against him, to ease the ache.
His gaze flicked to the hard tips, lingered. He traced a finger up my cleavage and over my collarbone before closing a hand around my nape, lightly controlling me. At that firm touch, my knees melted.
I set a hand on his chest. Even through the suit, I felt his heat.
His mouth was so beautifully shaped; sculpted, with a full lower lip, his sexy scruff the perfect frame. “Why are you here, Mila?” His thumb caressed the side of my neck.
I blinked—and recalled the tiny mic masquerading as my left earring. Andre was listening to ensure I stuck with the script.
I stiffened. Gabriel tightened his grip on my neck, keeping me where I was.
I forced myself to meet his eyes. “I missed you.” That was the God’s honest truth.
Gabriel scrutinized me expressionlessly. “Really.”
“Honest.” My free hand twisted in the tight red skirt, pulling it even higher. I was a lousy liar and I knew it.
But I had to lie like a champ. Joey’s life depended it.
“Hm.” His fingers caressed my nape. “I missed you, too. But then, I wasn’t the one who left without a goddamned word.”
I stared at him. Was that hurt I heard in his voice? But his face was about as forthcoming as a blank sheet of paper. Even his eyes were blank now.
His mouth came closer, hovered over mine. “They got to you, didn’t they?” he said against my lips. “What did they promise—a million? Two?”
My mouth dropped open. “No!”
“Don’t lie to me.” He was the crown prince now, his mouth a stern line, his eyes emerald chips of ice. It was like facing his father. I had to fight not to cringe from him.
I lifted my chin. “I’m not.”
He shook his head in disgust and turned away.
“No!” I grabbed his sleeve. “Wait, Gabriel—”
A vampire was instantly at my back. Cool fingers wrapped around my bare upper arms. “Should I toss her ass out of here, boss?”
He nodded curtly without looking at me.
“Gabriel,” I whispered. “Please.”
The vampire pried my fingers from Gabriel’s sleeve. I watched in despair as he slipped into the crowd.
Two vampires held me now. When I tried to shake them off, their grip tightened.
“Come quietly, babe,” the one on my right said. “You don’t want any trouble.”