Page 41 of Pursued
Him wanting me even though he didn’t trust me.
And Andre listening to it all.
But a few yards away, the ocean ebbed and flowed hypnotically, the breeze off the water teasing my damp nipples. Above us, seagulls wheeled and screeched, white shadows against the bright blue sky. It was so wild and beautiful out here, like we were the only two people in the universe.
And I wanted him, so bad. Three years I’d been alone, afraid even to have a drink with another man because I didn’t know who to trust—and besides, I didn’twantanyone but Gabriel.
Let him be suspicious—he had a right to be. He could even punish me, because I had a feeling I’d enjoy his kind of punishment.
“Very ready,” I rasped in a voice that didn’t sound like me at all—and lifted my arm from my eyes to pull him closer. He captured my wrists in mid-air and pressed them to the blanket on either side of my head.
His thumb caressed the gold bracelet on my left wrist. Both our gazes went to it.
It can’t be removed.
When he’d clasped it around my wrist, I’d felt so owned, and not in a good way. No, I’d felt like a body, a thrall—not a person. Once, he’d talked of taking me as his mate.
And yet, he’d remembered that I loved daisies…
Gabriel’s gaze returned to mine. “I want you to leave your hands there on the blanket. Understand?”
Don’t think.
I gave a jerky nod.
“I could hold you down,” he continued. “But I want you to restrain yourself.”
Excitement shivered over my skin. My heart sped up, my nipples tightened even further. “And if I don’t?”
“Then I get up and walk away.”
I glanced pointedly at his cock, flushed and heavy above my mound.
“Oh, I can do it,” he assured me. “Control is something that was pounded into me from a young age.” When I flinched, he added, “And no, my father didn’t hit us. He didn’t have to—he’s very good at getting his point across.”
His mouth moved lower, trailing hot kisses down my neck and around my breasts. “Yes or no, Mila?” A leisurely lick to the underside of my breast.
Pleasure seared through me. I struggled to get the next words out, but I needed to know. “So you’d let me go. Just like that.”
“Mila.” Remorse flitted over his good-looking face. “I thought you understood—you can’t leave now.”
“Oh.” I blinked. Ihadunderstood, but hearing it stated straight out was…daunting.
But what did it matter? I probably wouldn’t get out of this alive anyway.
Sorrow pressed on my chest, a heavy, smothering weight.
“Hell.” He released my wrists to raise back onto all fours, his expression regretful. “I warned you that the blood bond is forever. But it’s not just the bond, it’s that everyone in the Ruby saw you accept it. We’re connected now, Mila. To the vampire world, you’re an extension of me. If you leave this time, you’d be dead or enslaved in less than a week. But everything else? That’s up to you. We can fuck or not. It’s your choice.”
I swallowed hard, and then reached for him.
Because if it was up to me, I’d choose Gabriel. Always.
He caught my hands and sat up, thighs bracketing mine, and pressed a kiss to each palm. Taking his time, like I was something precious.
Tears stung my eyes. I hurriedly blinked them away.
He brought my left hand to his face and rubbed his cheek against it, his night beard a velvet rasp against my palm.