Page 50 of Pursued
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Ilanded at my Montauk compound a little before three in the morning. As we touched down on the helipad fifty yards from the house, the two vampires prowling the grounds appeared, eyes gleaming in the dark. The wolfdogs, Daisy and Diesel, loped up right behind them, panting eagerly.
I ruffled their short gray fur and listened to the vampires’ report. Everything was quiet, with Mila safe in her suite for the night.
I’d left orders that Lougenia not be bothered, but she opened the front door herself. She’d even dressed in her uniform, although instead of her usual neat white tennis shoes, she wore fuzzy pink house slippers.
“Welcome, M’sieur.” Her dark eyes searched my face. She hadn’t been told Zaq was missing, but she’d seen the increased security, knew something was up. “Everything’s all right?”
I jerked my chin in assent. “Go back to bed,” I said gruffly. “You need your sleep.”
“Yes, M’sieur. I just wanted to tell you that Mam’selle Mila ate good today. We’ll put a few pounds on her before you know it,” she added with a conspiratorial smile.
I glanced at the dhampir guard hovering behind her. “Leave us.”
When we were alone, I squeezed Lougenia’s shoulder. “Thanks. I knew you’d take good care of her.”
“You go easy on her, now.”
I frowned, but the woman had known me when I was in diapers. She simply crossed her arms over her ample chest and glared back.
I shook my head. “I’m away for half a day, and she has you wrapped around her little finger.”
“That little girl has had a rough time. I just want to make sure you don’t push her too hard. She needs to recover.”
I stifled a sigh. My father would never take this kind of insolence from his servants. But then, I wasn’t my father—and Lougenia was more than a servant.
“Lougenia. I take good care of my thralls. You know that.”
“M’sieur Gabriel,” she chided as if I was still ten years old. “She’s not a thrall.”
“No?” I lifted a brow. Lougenia opened her mouth to say more but I took her by the shoulders and turned her in the direction of the kitchen and her private apartment. “Your little chick is safe with me. Now go to bed.”
She headed down the hall, but not before giving me a sharp, over-the-shoulder look. “You’re worried about trusting her, but that’s not the real question here.”
“Fine.” I folded my arms over my chest. “What’s the real question?”
“Canyou trust yourself?” And with that cryptic-as-fuck comment, Lougenia sashayed into the kitchen and through the door to her apartment, leaving me scowling after her.
I went straight to Mila’s suite. Per my orders, a vampire stood guard outside the door. “You can go. I’ll take over from here,” I told the vampire, and let myself into the suite.
Mila’s bedroom door was open. I cocked my head, listening, but although she murmured sleepily, she didn’t wake up.
I removed my shoes and socks and left them by the door. The next to come off was my suit coat and shirt. I dropped them on the couch and walked on silent feet into her bedroom.
She was once again curled up in the middle of the bed. I eyed her hungrily, content just to be in the same room with her.
The nightlight cast a warm glow on her face, illuminating one soft cheek and pouty red lips. Her dark curls tumbled down her back and over one shoulder in a glossy waterfall I itched to plunge my fingers into.
I squeezed my nape. Gods, I was a fool for this woman. Even knowing she’d only come back because she’d been forced to, I still craved her.
I moved closer.
Compel her, whispered my dark side.Make her tell you the truth.
Mila whimpered, shifted her head from side to side. Suddenly, she let out a fearful yelp and jerked upright. Her gaze darted to me. She pressed a hand to her throat, the pounding of her heart loud in the quiet room.
I held out a hand. “Hey,” I said, low and easy. “It’s okay. It’s me, Gabriel.”