Page 54 of Pursued
“Ah,cher…” His body was over mine, around mine, in mine. “I’ll just take a little, this first time. But I need to taste you.”
“Yes,” I said. “Yes.”
I’d thought I’d be scared, the first time. But I wasn’t. No, I wanted his bite, craved it.
His teeth punctured my skin. A sharp sting, followed by intense pleasure…waves and waves of it, like nothing I’d ever felt before.
I was drowning in it, sobbing out Gabriel’s name.
He groaned and pounded into me.
Lights burst behind my eyes, trilled up and down my body. He thrust one last time and stilled, sucking on my throat while I lay there, boneless and blissful.
I don’t know how long he fed, but it wasn’t long. When he was finished, he licked my neck clean and then disengaged from me to roll onto his back.
I collapsed, boneless, onto the mattress and lay there, on my stomach with my face turned toward him. Lost in the wonder. “That was…” I trailed off, unable to find the words.
“Mm.” He kissed my cheek.
I snuggled up against him with a happy sigh and stroked my hand down his ridged abdomen. He was warm, a little sweaty, his hair crisp under my palm.
“I think I missed this most of all.” I toyed with one of his flat brown nipples. “Just…spending time with you.”
A grunt. “I’ll get you some water.” He eased himself out from under me.
“Thanks.” Iwasthirsty—very. I waited until he’d left the room and then sat up to run my fingers over my throat. But there was no blood, just a pleasurable tingle.
Gabriel appeared in the bathroom door with the water. “It’s almost healed,” he said as he handed me the glass. “There’s something in my saliva that speeds up healing.”
I nodded. “I know. I’m just surprised how fast it worked.” Reading about it was one thing, but having it happen to you was something else.
I drained the glass and set it on the nightstand.
“Would you like more?” So polite, like I was a friend—or just another thrall—not the woman he’d just fucked into bliss.
My brow furrowed. What was wrong? But I shook my head. “I’m good.”
He brushed his fingers over my cheek. “Good night, then.”
I grabbed his wrist. “You’re not staying?”
A shake of his head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
I released his wrist and brought my hand to my neck again. He’d fed from me. I could still feel him between my legs.
I’d felt so close to him, so wonderful. What was the matter?
The wonder seeped away. I wrapped my arms around my knees. “So this was just about fucking,” I said flatly.
His face hardened. “What did you expect, Mila? We both know you didn’t come back of your own free will.”
I started to deny it, and then snapped my mouth shut. I was tired of lying to him.
“Yeah,” he said. “That’s what I thought.”
He curled his fingers around my nape and brushed a kiss over my lips, so gentle, hot tears stung my eyes. When he turned, my gaze snagged on the black wolf tatt. A reminder, if I needed it, of just who and what he was.
I dug my teeth into my lower lip. Stupid, stupid, stupid to let myself think this was anything more than a dhampir enjoying his newest thrall.