Page 62 of Pursued
Andre’s fangs shone white in the darkness. “You think you can win against three vampires?”
“Maybe not, but at least I didn’t send a human to do the job for me.”
“A distraction.” Andre waved a dismissive hand. “And it worked even better than I expected. You literally had your dick inside her as we broke through your security.”
Gabriel’s sharp breath was audible. “You thrice-damned bastard.”
Hatred burned in me. My fingers clenched so hard around the silver handle, I’m surprised I didn’t put finger-sized dents in it.
The vampire’s gaze flicked to my knife. “Try it,” he invited with a chilly smile, “and our bargain is void. My coven has been eager to meet your brother. Fresh meat is always welcome, and a young man like him will be especially sweet.”
Martin and Stefan hummed their agreement.
Horror skittered up my spine. That bargain had been the only thing protecting Joey. I hesitated, nauseated at the very thought of my kid brother enslaved by these evil pricks.
But I was through running, and I wasdamnedif I’d watch Andre kill Gabriel right in front of me. I’d have to trust that Gabriel and his people would save Joey. I might be a slow, weak human, but I could still do some damage with the long silver blade.
But to do that, I’d have to get closer. I lowered my gaze, let my shoulders cave in.
Let Andre think he had me cowed. Meanwhile, I’d watch for an opening.
Gabriel sprang, feinting left and driving Andre and Stefan back. When Martin swooped in from the right, Gabriel was ready. He struck out, lightning fast, with his knife. The blond vampire shrieked and fell to the sand, hands clutched to his groin.
Gabriel didn’t wait for him to recover. He struck again, shoving the long, thin blade up through Martin’s rib cage into his heart.
Martin groaned and went limp.
“Burn in the bright fires of noon,” Gabriel snarled.
His profile was outlined against the rising moon. It was like seeing a big cat from the side, his fangs long and white. Scary as shit.
The man wasn’t even breathing hard.
My lips peeled in a feral grin. That was my Dark Angel. Maybe we had a chance, after all.
Andre and Stefan came at Gabriel from either side. The fight became a blur of motion, all three men moving at insane speeds.
I crouched nearby with my switchblade, desperately wanting to help. But I couldn’t even tell which one was Gabriel.
Then Stefan stepped back, circling behind Gabriel while Andre attacked him from the front.
Stefan stopped a few feet away from me, his body partly turned so I could see his back. His gaze on the two combatants, he barely spared a glance at where I crouched against the rocks. He held his blade a little in front of him, its sharp point twitching right and left with the fighting men in a chilling dance.
My gaze zeroed in on his exposed nape.
The teacher of one of my various defense classes had been a hard-eyed ex-Marine. He’d explained in detail why you never turned your back on a man—or woman—holding a knife. Severe the spine at the nape, and it was over, even for a vampire.
We’d practiced it: one person the attacker, the other the victim.
“If you decide to go for it, don’t hesitate,” the teacher had emphasized. “Give it everything you have.”
A second ticked by, then another, while I stared at Stefan’s nape. My breath turned icy in my nostrils. I’d never killed before.
But it was them or us.
I rose to my feet, slowly, stealthily—and lunged, bringing my arm up high and stabbing the blade with all my strength into the back of Stefan’s neck. I yanked the blade down toward the spine.
He grunted and swung around. The momentum wrenched the knife from my hand. “You stupid…bitch.”