Page 79 of Pursued
The enforcer shrugged a big shoulder. “I definitely scented humans—maybe more than one—imprisoned in the basement. But the basement door was solid steel and locked down tight so I couldn’t verify if it was the Vittore kid.”
He proceeded to run down some possible security issues, including the dhampir doorman, the placing of the security cameras on each floor, and the extra level of security for both the basement and the penthouse floor.
“The basement door can only be accessed by a security pad requiring iris recognition,” he added. “Or a damn good security expert.”
I nodded, impressed. “What’s your name?”
He straightened to his full height. “Isaac Bajoie, sir.”
“From New Orleans?”
He nodded.
“So Redbone is your kapitán?”
“Yes, sir.” Bajoie’s full lips pinched together like he’d tasted something bad.
“Speak,” Tomas commanded.
“Redbone is inside. I sensed him.” His gaze shifted back to me. “Be careful, sir. I’m not in his inner circle—not since I came to New York to work for your father—but I hear things. This is more than an unhappy kapitán. He’s working with someone.”
A low growl emanated from Tomas’s chest. “You should have reported this to me.”
“Yes, sir.”
I raised a hand, halting Tomas from rebuking him further. It was clear Bajoie had been torn between loyalty to my father and his kapitán.
“This person Redbone’s working with. You have a name?”
“No. And that’s the honest truth,” he said with a glance at Tomas. “I swear on the Dark Mother herself.”
I nodded. “You’ll inform us immediately if you hear anything.”
“That’s a direct order,” Tomas added.
“Understood.” Bajoie seemed almost relieved at the order to inform on his kapitán. Redbone had apparently made at least one enemy in New Orleans.
I turned back to Tomas, and together, we worked out a plan. Tomas would enter the building on the pretext of a meeting with Redbone while the rest of us slipped in as shadows. Tomas would take out the doormen, and then we’d split into two groups. Me, Bajoie and two dhampirs would take the basement while Tomas and the others disabled the security cameras and remained in the foyer to fight off any attackers.
Unfortunately, we’d all have to take our physical forms, leaving us vulnerable.
Tomas gave me a dubious glance. “You are sure you are up to this? You lost much blood last night, and the silver must be causing pain to you.”
“I’m fine,” I said in a hard voice. I turned to the men. “For now, we’re just there to get Vittore. A quick, surgical strike. Stay in the shadow dimension whenever possible. But if you see Redbone, stake him. The man’s a traitor to the Syndicate. I’m officially declaring open season on him. Any questions?”
These were professionals. There was little reaction except for a few eyes widening.
I nodded, satisfied. “Let’s do this, then.”
We split into three groups. As the first men headed across the street, I pulled Tomas aside. “There’s something you should know. Father has confirmed that the slayers are behind Zaq’s kidnapping. We have to assume they’re behind this, too.”
Tomas nodded, unsurprised.
“You knew?”
He moved his broad shoulders in a shrug. “Karoly said not to tell you, but me, I think you should know. They worked Zaquiel over.”
My stomach lurched. “Bad?”