Page 94 of Pursued
I rose from my chair. “Who?” I demanded.
I stared at Tomas. “No. I don’t believe it.”
“We have the proof.”
I shook my head. “Then there’s some mistake. There’s no fucking way Lougenia is a slayer. She practically grew up with my mom. Her mother works for the Fortier family in New Orleans.”
“Her family members also work for the Louisiana Coven.” Andre Redbone’s coven.
“Here.” Tomas shoved his phone across the desk at me. “See for yourself.”
I scrolled through the evidence. A photo of Lougenia speaking to Stefan on the streets of Manhattan. An encoded message from her phone to Redbone, dated a month ago. A large payment to an offshore account that Tomas had traced to Lougenia’s younger son.
“We have a mole. Trust no one.”
I pinched the bridge of my nose. Alone, no one thing was conclusive, but together, they were definitely suspicious.
I handed the phone back to Tomas. “I agree, it doesn’t look good. But any of this could’ve been planted. And Lougenia’s never even been to headquarters—she wouldn’t have the kind of access that whoever is behind this has.”
“But she could be helping them. I will look into it,” Tomas said with a decisive nod.
“No.” I was damned if I’d let the lieutenant question Lougenia. People had a way of ending up hurt when he was involved. “I can handle it from here.”
The big lieutenant folded his arms over his chest. “Your father asked for me to take care of her.”
I leveled a stare at him. “No,” I repeated. “My housekeeper, my problem.”
A shrug. “He contacted me. We talk of many things. He has heard about you and Redbone, and he is not happy about this thing with Mila.”
“I know,” I said shortly.
But Tomas wasn’t finished. “He says that if you keep the woman, he will strip your title and rank, and name one of your brothers as the heir.”
I scowled. “The hell you say.”
Trust my father to up the stakes. Not only was he going to renege on the deal to promote me to oversee the southeastern covens, he was going to strip me of my position as crown prince. And probably demote me from enforcer back to soldier.
My stomach burned. I’d earned that promotion, and my designation as an enforcer. But if Mila was the price, then he could take his threats and choke on them. Mila was staying. That was non-negotiable.
“Let him try,” I growled. “Zaquiel doesn’t want it, and Rafe won’t do the job I can. He’s a tracker, not a businessman.”
“As you say.”
Tomas was being too agreeable. A terrible suspicion tightened my chest.
My switchblade jumped into my hand. I leapt over the desktop. Tomas took a step back, but didn’t try to evade me.
I touched the silver point to his throat.
“Touch Camila Vittore,” I said, low and deadly, “and you won’t live to see another moonrise. I’ll stake you myself. I don’t care what your fucking orders are.”
Tomas’s hazel eyes narrowed to cat-slits. “You are the ass.”
“Yeah, you already told me that. But Camila ismine. Stay the fuck away from her or I’ll carve your heart out.”
A curt nod. “ButIwill handle Lougenia—Karoly’s orders.”