Page 140 of Taken
And to be honest, I had been up to something. I’d come to New York with a fucking slayer to stake my own father.
Hell, if I were a Kral vampire, I’d be suspicious of me, too.
Xavier glanced toward my bedroom. “So how does the woman come into this?”
“It’s complicated.” I blew out a breath.
Something was bothering me. Something Tomas had said. “Zaquiel is ours.”
And that’s when I knew. My view of the past few weeks’ events shifted and realigned.
I sat up straighter.
Tomas was the traitor. He had to be. It was the proof I’d been searching for. Why else would he have said I was “theirs”—whoever the hell “they” was?
And if he was in his final grave, then Gabriel and Rafe were safe.
The back of my throat stung and my eyes prickled. It had been such a long few weeks.
I swallowed and brushed a hand over my eyes. Xavier reached across the table and refilled my wine glass. Not saying anything, just making it clear he was on my side, no matter what.
I took a gulp of wine. By the time I set it down, I had myself under control.
“It was Tomas. It has to be. He’s been feeding intel to Slayers, Inc.—and they were the ones who kidnapped me. They were working with Moreau and Victorine Tremblay. I have proof. Tina will back me up.”
But would my dad believe me? Or would he believe Tomas’s last, vicious accusation?”
A sliver of apprehension worked its way into my happiness.
This wasn’t over. Not for me, anyway.
Especially with Ridley—a slayer—here in my loft. Even I had to admit that looked damn shaky.
“So,” said Xavier. “This woman. She’s a slayer, isn’t she?”
I gave a tight nod. “But no one else can know that. Swear it, Xavier.”
His mouth flattened. “Dios mio. What in the name of the Dark Lady have you gotten yourself into?”
“First, swear you’ll keep her secret.”
He snorted, clearly insulted I had to ask. “You know I will.”
“Thank you. And I’m sorry. You know I trust you with my life. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be here.”
“Damn right you can,” he muttered in Spanish, then added, “And why didn’t you come straight to me? How long have you been in the city anyway?”
“Nine nights,” I admitted.
“So you don’t trust me to keep my mouth closed?”
“It’s not that. I didn’t want to put you into the position of lying to my father. I may still end up with a stake in my heart.”
His head lowered like a bull ready to charge. “You think I’m afraid?” He smacked a fist to his chest. “Me?”
“Hell, no. I’ve seen you in action, remember?”
He nodded, somewhat mollified. “And what about Tina?”