Page 24 of Taken
My stomach did an uncomfortable, twisty contraction. I dragged a hand down my face.
Not your problem, Ridley.
Maybe if I told myself that enough times, I’d even believe it.
I looked at another screen but kept coming back to Zaq.
Most of Moreau’s lair was asleep. No one would know if I gave him a break from the cuffs. I put the cameras in Zaq’s cell on a continuous loop and was out the door before I could talk myself out of it.
The cell was secured by an old-fashioned silver-reinforced deadbolt. I moved the bolt aside and opened the door, locking it behind me.
The cell’s tiny lights glowed on. The air was acrid with the stench of burned flesh.
My stomach heaved. Bile burned in my throat, and I almost lost my breakfast.
Zaq snarled and jerked his head up. He glared, wild-eyed, at me.
Like I was the monster.
I took short, shallow breaths through my mouth. Frozen by what I saw on his face.
The wild-eyed expression faded. “Reaper.” With a groan, he straightened his legs and moved his arms, easing the pull of the cuffs.
We both looked at his wrists. The skin was an angry, swollen red.
His gaze came back to mine. “What d’you want?” His voice was as raw as his wrists.
“I’m going to release you from the cuffs.”
“Yeah?” He eyed me, clearly wondering what the catch was.
“But try any tricks, and I’ll hurt you. Is that clear?” I showed him my switchblade. “I’ll give you two hours to sleep, then wake you up and cuff you again.”
I tucked my blade into a loop of my pants and crossed to him. I faltered.
Zaq’s throat bore a pair of fresh bite marks.
I swallowed hard and fumbled with his first cuff.
Étan had left for Montreal, which meant another vampire—a vampire here in the lair—had drunk from him. At least this vampire had sealed the wounds.
I moved my gaze to Zaq’s face. He stared back, a corner of his mouth lifted in a sideways grin like it didn’t matter.
But my body was just inches from his. I felt him tense, heard his harsh swallow. It mattered, all right.
I turned back to the cuff and pressed the buttons, then released him from the second one as well. I stepped back and pulled my blade from the loop.
He brought his arms down. Winced.
He set his jaw and doggedly shook them out, but when he tried to move forward, his knees crumpled.
I swore under my breath and leapt to his aid, sliding an arm around his waist. “Easy there.”
He leaned into me, lungs working overtime. “Thanks,” he said in that raspy voice.
My grip tightened on him. His spicy scent filled my nostrils. My head swam with his nearness.