Page 28 of Taken
Two days since I’d nearly lost control.
Since then, I’d avoided the mansion’s lowest level as if merely breathing the same air as Zaq Kral would suck me into his world, the violent, man-eat-man world of syndicate vampires.
Zaq had me twisted into knots—the tight, snarly kind that you can’t untangle without cutting something—and I hated it.
At least they hadn’t drunk his blood again; I’d checked the video feed. I’d also ID’ed the vampire who’d attacked him the second time—Philippe Moreau.
No surprise there. Moreau was so depraved, the only thralls he could keep were slaves or blood addicts who craved the high of a vampire’s bite.
So why wasn’t he my target?
Behind my back, I dug my nails dug into my palms. Damn Zaq and his lean, too-beautiful angel’s face. I’d begun to wish I’d never volunteered for this op.
Yesterday I’d tried to get in touch with Crow to tell her about how Zaq was being treated. But according to her assistant Stygian, she was unreachable for the next few days.
“I can take a message,” he’d said, “but I don’t know when she’ll receive it.”
“Never mind,” I’d said and ended the call.
What would I have said to Crow anyway? Zaq’s poor treatment didn’t change the endgame, which was to draw Karoly Kral out of New York so we could slay him.
Across the salon the crowd stirred and bubbled like someone had thrown something fizzy into the mix. Someone had arrived, a VIP. These people were too hip to openly stare, but they sent casual glances over their shoulders or angled their bodies for a better view.
I lifted onto the balls of my feet trying to see who was causing all the excitement, but the room was too crowded. I sank back down and watched Moreau wend his way in their direction.
I glanced around. Jiggled my knee.
Christ, I hated standing around watching other people get drunk and flirt. Working security at a party had to be one of the most boring jobs ever.
Moreau had reached the newcomer. The crowd parted long enough for me to see it was Leo de Froulay, his dark blue suit a perfect foil for his shining blond mane. A woman stood next to him, a thrall from the possessive hand he had on her ass.
My heart banged against my chest. This was it, the moment I’d been waiting for all evening.
The band changed songs and upped the volume. A thrall wandered by, eyes glazed, high on the rush of a vampire’s bite. The scent of lust and arousal mingled with cigarette smoke and the sweet-earth smell of weed.
De Froulay was too smart to head directly to me. He took his time, pausing here and there to chat like a faerie king spreading the glitter dust of his charisma. My sperm donor had serious star quality; I’d give him that.
A server offered me a blood-wine. I waved it away; I’d already had my daily glass.
And then de Froulay was standing in front of me, all that glittering charm focused in my direction. “Ma petite, how nice to see you again.”
My lips tugged up in an answering smile. I couldn’t help it. I flattened my mouth and inclined my head. “Primus de Froulay.”
I glanced around for Moreau, but de Froulay must have sent him on an errand because he was nowhere to be seen. The thrall snuggled up to his side blinked lazily at me.
I stilled. What the fuck?
The “thrall” was Crow, hiding behind a glamour. Her hair was a short, curly red instead of its usual straight dark brown, and her nose and chin less sharp. She’d added some serious curves including large breasts that the tight black dress could barely contain.
But she’d never been able to disguise her distinctive eyes. They were a deep blue, so deep they appeared violet in the low light.
I dragged my gaze back to de Froulay. “May I help you, Primus?”
He nodded. “I’d like to speak with you. Privately.”
Crow glanced between the two of us.
I gulped, then wished I hadn’t, because of course she’d noticed. She noticed everything.