Page 101 of Fallen
“The woman did him a kindness,” Brien added, “and the syndicate a favor. She has my full support. She won’t be punished.”
My stomach dropped. It was like watching a train wreck. You want to intervene, but there’s nothing you can do. The train is too powerful to stop.
Prosper’s chest expanded. “She staked the primus. She can’t be allowed to go free.”
“I’m the primus now.” Brien cocked a brow. “Unless you’re issuing a challenge?”
A small moan escaped me. It was like he was trying to provoke Prosper into challenging him.
“As you wish.” The lieutenant’s broad face arranged itself into stern lines. “Let everyone here be my witness. I challenge you, Brien Leclerc, for Primus of the Maritime Syndicate.”
Brien had never appeared so coldly beautiful, even bare-chested and in jeans. His blond hair shone gold in the light shafting in from the hall, and his face seemed sculpted out of marble. The intertwined sharks on his arm stood out in sharp definition.
“And I accept your challenge, Lieutenant Prosper. May the best vampire win.”
“May the best vampire win,” echoed the others.
“The lieutenant is the challenger, which means Prince Brien chooses the place and time and weapons,” said Cain.
“Understood,” said Prosper.
“I choose midnight tomorrow,” said Brien. “In the ballroom. Weapons will be daggers, and I call on Talon and Cain to act as my seconds.”
“I accept,” Cain said immediately.
“And so do I,” said Talon.
Prosper gave Brien a tight nod. “Until midnight tomorrow, then. My seconds will call on yours.” He left the cell along with Matthew and the other vampire.
Brien exhaled through his teeth. “Well.”
Cain clapped him on the back. “You can take him.”
“Not unexpected,” murmured Talon, “but I thought he’d give it a little more time.”
“We’re pulling for you, sir,” Jason stated.
Brien smiled faintly. “Thank you.” Taking me by the arm, he told Cain and Talon, “We’ll continue this upstairs.”
“Maybe you should leave her here,” said Talon. “She’ll be safe enough.”
Brien glanced down at me.
I straightened and gazed proudly back, trying not to shiver. I wouldnotlet them see the panic clawing at my intestines. “At least get me some dry clothes.”
“No,” he said. “She accepted my blood bond. Her loyalty is to me now, isn’t it Twilight?”
That’s when it hit me. My loyaltywasto him now. Not Slayers, Inc.
I blinked rapidly. “Yes.” The word came out raspy. I cleared my throat and tried again, more clearly this time. “Yes.”
Back in my apartment, I pulled Twilight aside. “The blood bond is permanent. You can never leave. You understand that, right?”
I’d pressured her into accepting the bond. Prosper had backed me into a corner—if she hadn’t agreed, she would’ve been executed.