Page 105 of Fallen
“Sorry, sir.” Her pale skin reddened. “I—I spilled some chowder on my hand.”
“Get some cold water on it.” I turned back to Cain.
“Yes, sir.” She hurried toward the open door.
Twilight watched her go, a small frown between her eyes. Suddenly, she was on her feet. She shot across the living room, pulling Avril to a halt. “What do you know?”
Avril looked at me over Twilight’s shoulder—and crumpled against the doorjamb. “It wasn’t supposed to be him.”
“Who?” Twilight shook her. “Brien?”
Avril’s throat worked. “Yes.” She cast me an agonized glance. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I’d never do anything to hurt you. I—”
I came to my feet. “Get back here.Now.”
When she didn’t move fast enough, I stalked across the floor and jerked her back into the living room. Twilight shut the door.
“Talk,” I told Avril. “Whatdidn’t you know?”
Tears ran down her cheeks. Her red hair was escaping its neat bun and the buttons on her gray silk blouse hadn’t been buttoned up correctly.
“The cook told me just now that Twilight was here to stake you. But that’s not whathetold me. I swear I wouldn’t have done it if he’d said she was here to slay you. I’m so sorry.”
I gripped her arm more tightly. “Who did you think she was supposed to stake?”
Her throat worked. “The primus,” she said in a small voice.
Cain and Talon had moved up to stand on either side of Avril.
Cain growled. “That’s treason.”
“I know.” She swiped a hand across her face, smearing her mascara. “He offered me money, but I didn’t take it. I swear I didn’t.”
“Who?” I demanded. “I want his name.”
“I don’t know his name. I swear I don’t. He said he was with Slayers, Inc. He said Twilight knew about the switchblade, that she was expecting it to be delivered to her.”
“How did you get into my apartment?” asked Twilight.
“I’m Brien’s PA,” Avril said. “I have access to all the thralls’ apartments. Sunday night, I took fresh flowers to your room. I had the blade hidden in them. If anyone had asked, I would’ve said Brien had sent them.”
I swore under my breath and released Avril. “Get her out of here,” I told Cain. “Put her in a cell, then come back. I’ll deal with her later.”
He took her arm in a hard grip. “Will do.”
Avril let Cain turn her toward the hall, but as he opened the door, she swung around, raking a fierce look over the three of us.
“You know something? I’m not sorry I helped him. Not if Twilight used the switchblade to slay the primus. Gwen was my best friend, and he killed her. He fucking mauled her like she wasmeat, not a person—and you didn’t do anything.” Her voice caught. “Any of you.” Her tear-drenched eyes fixed on me. “You just threw money at her family, like that would bring Gwen back.”
My jaw tightened. “I’m sorry about Gwen. If I could’ve stopped it, I would’ve. But I trusted you, Avril, and you passed a blade to someone you thought was here to slay one of us. That, I can’t forgive.”
Avril shrank back. The aggressiveness leaked from her. “Yes, sir.”
“Get her out of here,” I told Cain. “But keep quiet about why we’ve detained her—I don’t need another reason for people to question my ability to lead.”
Avril wrung her hands. “Can you do something for me? Please? Tell my mom where I am? She’ll worry, otherwise.”
“I will,” offered Cain.