Page 127 of Fallen
“You’re right. The sonuvabitches finally went too far.” The corners of Brien’s mouth tugged up in a smile that would’ve iced the Artic. “We’ve got them, now.”
“About that.” My answering smile was as frigid as his. “I have an idea…”
A knock on the door interrupted us. “Who is it?” Brien called.
“William. Your package is here, sir.”
Brien went to the door, returning with a small box from which he took a gold cuff. Seating himself on the couch again, he slid the bracelet on my wrist and kissed my palm.
“To celebrate our blood bond. I had it specially made last night. It’s tradition,” he added when I just stared at it without speaking.
“Oh. Right.”
The cuff was a simple design of sand-blasted, hammered gold with tiny pink diamonds scattered across the surface. The lump in my throat was back. I ran my thumb over the rough surface.
“You don’t like it,” he said flatly. “No problem—I can order another one.”
“No fucking way.” My fingers closed over the cuff. “I love it. It’s perfect—exactly what I would’ve picked out myself.”
And it was. That wasn’t the problem.
“Yeah?” His mouth turned up in a quick, boyish grin.
I nodded. He seemed so pleased that I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I wanted more than a blood bond. I wanted to be his mate.
“It’s beautiful.” I leaned forward and kissed him. “Thank you.”
“I thought you’d like it,” he said. “Now tell me about this idea of yours…”
Midnight arrived. I waited in the hall outside the ballroom with Twilight.
Inside the ballroom, a soldier started ringing a gong.One. Two. Three.
I mentally ran through fighting moves and strategies. The syndicate’s future depended on me, not to mention Twilight’s life. I had to win this.
Four. Five. Six.
She nudged me with her shoulder. “You’re going to kick his ass.”
I smiled despite myself. “Thanks. And you stay close to Cain and Talon, understand?”
“Will do.” She gave me a thumbs-up.
Seven. Eight. Nine.
I hadn’t wanted Twilight at the challenge, but she’d pointed out that until we unmasked Kuro, she was safer with me, Cain and Talon in the ballroom than alone in my apartment.
And if I lost, we both knew she’d be running for her life. Better to know as soon as it happened than to lose time waiting for word to reach her.
Ten. Eleven. Twelve.
“Showtime,” murmured Twilight.
Drawing myself up to my full height, I squared my shoulders and strode through the door, Twilight following a little behind. Candles flickered in the gold-leaf sconces mounted on the dark red walls, their flames reflected in the mirrors that ringed the ballroom floor. Across the room, Prosper entered through the opposite door.