Page 153 of Fallen
That’s when it finally sank in. Jules was in his final grave. Prosper and Donald were leaving Lilith Island, and the worst of the older vampires had been staked in the challenge.
I’d gotten my wish. I was primus now. The syndicate was mine to direct, the hierarchy stacked with people loyal to me.
But my satisfaction was tainted by bitterness. It wasn’t Prosper’s respect I’d craved, it was my father’s, and now I’d never have the chance to win it. To get some fucking closure.
“Jules begged me to challenge you.”
My fingers curled into tight fists. I looked down at them. I’d never wanted so badly to punch something, but that would be letting my father have the last word. I forced my fingers to straighten.
The sound of footsteps made me turn. Twilight stood in the bedroom doorway, a wobbly smile on her face. “I feel…different.”
I immediately went to her side. “You should be in bed.”
“No, I’m fine.” She put a hand on my chest, holding me off. “Better than fine. Everything is so beautiful.” Her gaze roamed the room before returning to my face. “So intense. I heard you and Prosper talking, and he’s right. You’re going to make the best primus ever.”
“That’s not what he said.”
“That’s what I heard—and it’s what your father should’ve realized.”
I fingered a lock of her hair. “Jules was jealous of me. I’m vampire-born, and he wasn’t.”
“So maybe he did realize it. He just didn’t want to admit it.”
“My mother said something like that once. Not to me—to him. But I overheard.”
“Well, if Prosper believes in you, then that’s almost as good, right? He’s like your father without the emotional baggage.”
“I never thought of it like that,” I said slowly.
“It’s good that he’s leaving, though. Prosper’s right. He was your father’s righthand man for a helluva long time. If he stuck around, people might be tempted to go to him behind your back. This way, you can run the syndicate your way—and deal with other syndicates without having to worry about him.”
I nodded, still absorbing that I’d received Prosper’s seal of approval.
I’d wanted closure? Maybe I’d gotten it after all.
Twilight slipped past me into the living room and twirled in a circle like she had that day in the ballroom.
I forgot my father and watched my mate, enchanted all over again. “You sure you’re all right?”
“I’m fucking awesome.” Her smile spread like moonshine across her face. “I want to do all the things—dance all night, swim with the sharks, climb to the top of the castle and dive into the ocean…”
It was too soon. She shouldn’t be looking so healthy or have this much energy, but she did. She’d made it through the transition.
Thank you, Lilith.
Twilight’s joy was contagious. It swept through me, shining light into all my cold, dark, imperfect places. I broke into an answering smile and lifted her by the waist, swinging around in a circle.
“Youarefucking awesome.”
“Damn right,” she said with a chuckle. She arched her back, arms spread like she was flying.
Our gazes caught and we stared at each other, arrested. I slowed down, sliding her down my body, then stopping all together. One lean leg twined around my hip, pressing her naked crotch against mine.
And then we were kissing, soul-deep and urgent.
Twilight broke away first. “I have an idea…”
“Yeah?” I nuzzled her cheek.