Page 65 of Fallen
Her eyelids driftedlower, then shut altogether. She forced them open with a visible effort.“Sure. Whatever you say,mylord.”
I tightened my grip on her braid. “If you’re trying to piss me off, it’s not working. You can ‘my lord’ me all you want. I’ll also answer to ‘sir’ or ‘master.’ Actually, I prefermaster.”
Her breath hissed in.“You—”
I grinned against her lips.“Or you can call me Brien. Your choice, love.”
She opened her mouth, and I kissed her, swallowing her growl.
Her hands came to my chest. A second ticked past, then another. I slid mytonguedeeper, tasting her the way I’d craved ever since waking up.
Another few seconds passed. I waited for her to push me away, or simply freeze and leave me kissing a block of ice. When she didn’t, I cupped her cheek with one hand and eased back.
Not breaking the kiss. Tempting her with leisurely strokes of mytongue.
Her breath sighed out. Her hands fisted in my shirt. She leaned into me, sucking mytonguedeeper.
I rumbled approval, gathering her closer with anarmaround her waist. She was like liquid wax against me, warm and pliable, making sexy little sounds that I drank in like a drug.
I ached to bend her over the couch, lift that tiny excuse for a skirt and thrust inside her, but I’d come here to make up for my asshole behaviorlastnight. Jules was still directing my moves, and that had to stop.
More than that, I had a deep-seated urge to get to know her better. Yeah, I had a comprehensive file on her, but that didn’t tell me who she really was. The woman beneath the sass and sharp edges.
I planted alastkiss on her sweet, chocolate-flavored lips and pulled away. She blinked up at me, eyes so dark I could’ve drowned in them.
I unwound her braid from my hand and arranged it in the center of her back.“Come.”I paused, then added,“Please.”
Her breasts heaved.“Let me put on my shoes.”
At least she’d stopped“my lording”me. Small steps.
She disappeared into the bedroom and returned wearing blue over-the-knee socks and silver high-tops. Paired with theshort skirt, she looked hot as hell, Harley Quinn without the pigtails.
I opened her door and reached for her hand. She glanced down at our joined hands, brows scrunched together, but she didn’t try to pull away.
I took a firm grip on her hand and stepped into the shadows. We walked through the passage, unseen, until we reached a tunnel which no one but me, Talon and Cain used anymore. I’d left the door slightly open so we could slip through.
I stepped back out of the shadows, pulling her along with me, and closed the door behind us.
“Jesus,” she whispered. “It’s dark in here.”
I tightened my grip on her hand. “It’s a straight shot from here—fifteen yards or so. And you don’t have to whisper.”
“Oh. Then why the secrecy?”
I started walking. “It’s a surprise.” Plus, I didn’t want my father—or any of the older vampires—to see me favoring her more than I would any new thrall.
We wound our way up the west tower’s spiral staircase, me in the lead. Twilight halted, and I glanced back to find hereying the night sky through the narrow window between the second and third floors.
"Tell me you’re not going to toss me off the roof.”
A huff of laughter escaped me. We reached the top, and I wrapped a handaroundher nape.
“Not,”I said against hermouth,“unless you’revery,verybad.”
We exited onto the curtain wall that connected the castle’s four towers and I locked the door behind us. When I turnedaround, Twilight had her forearms on a parapet and was gazing at the silver trail the crescent moon had painted on the ocean.
“Wow.” She smiled at me over her shoulder. A genuine smile.“This is—”She shook her head.