Page 67 of Fallen
“Except myfreedom, right?” Her lips compressed. “Because you’re asking me to stay as your thrall, aren’t you? Or will I still be basically your slave—with no contract, no real rights? Hell, you won’t even let me have a goddamn phone.”
I covered her mouth with mine to stop the questions.
Thisthingriding me, thisfeelingI called lust—because I couldn’t let it be more—wouldn't allow me to grant Twilight herfreedomuntil I was sure she’d never leave me.
She interested me like no other woman. Iwantedto dance with her, coax her to laugh with me like she’d laughed with Chad.Wantedto get inside that clever brain and learn all her secrets.
And Iwanted—no, needed—to fuck her, over and over, hard and deep until I'd imprinted myself on her very cells.
Gods, I was an SOB. When you came right down to it,I wasn’t any better than my father.
Because if it was the only way to prevent Twilight from leaving me again, then yeah, I’d keep her on the island as my blood slave.
Ikissed Brien back, the switchblade I’d shoved into my high-top a cold weight against my inner ankle.
Do it, damn it.
It was the perfect opportunity to take him out. We were alone, his defenses down.
The man had practically handed me his ass on a silver platter. No cams, and no one knew we were up here.
I could stake him, toss the switchblade into the ocean and sneak back through that tunnel he’d brought me through. No one would be able to pin this on me.
But…he’d trusted me, brought me to his special place. Shared something of himself, which couldn’t be easy for a man brought up with only a tutor for a friend—and that’s why I couldn’t do it.
On top of that, the more I saw of Brien, the more certain I was that SI had no business slaying him. It was a replay of Victorine Tremblay and the Krals, only this time, I didn’t know who had it out for Brien.
But someone did, that was for damn sure.
I turned my face and took a gulp of oxygen. His mouth followed, pressing kisses to my cheek, the corner of my lips.
“You’re so beautiful,” he said hoarsely.
I pushed against his chest. “You still haven’t answered me. Would I have my freedom?”
I asked more to buy myself time than because I cared. Brien couldn’t hold me prisoner forever. If I really wanted to escape, I would.
His lungs heaved. “Because I don’t want to lie to you. Ask me for anything but to let you go.”
“I see. Points for being honest, at least.” The flippant answer covered my confusion.
This was serious.Hewas serious—about me. Yeah, in a fucked-up, kind of obsessive way, but I could be obsessive myself.
My heart gave a curious little skip.
You could be his.
Longing filled me. My eyes squeezed shut. I tried to think of my halmoni, but all I saw was Brien, his expression open and earnest.
You could be his, and to hell with Slayers, Inc.
I’d been drifting ever since staking my alpha. Searching for a place to call home.
But maybe I hadn’t been searching for a place at all. Maybe I’d been searching for a person, someone who’d make wherever I was feel like home.