Page 7 of Fallen
Which was a punch to the gonads, but then, what did I expect? That she’d be grateful, even happy, that I’d been the one to buy her?
At the auctioneer’s nod, she stepped back and the curtain closed. I came to my feet.
“I believe I’ll take ownership now,” I told Régis.
He stood as well, and we shook hands. “Enjoy her. I wouldn’t mind a taste myself.” When I just stared back, his smile faded. “Tomorrow night, then.”
“The usual time?”
“Yes.” His smile returned. “I believe we can come to a final agreement, don’t you?”
“I’m counting on it.”
Brien’s green glare stabbed into me like an ice pick.
Damn him anyway. What was the Maritime crown prince even doing in Quebec City? He should be 500-some miles away in Nova Scotia.
I’d known he was searching for me. I’d also known I couldn’t let him find me.
He was a weakness, the only vampire I’d ever wonderedWhat if?about. The vampire who still turned up, uninvited, in my dreams.
But things had gone too far. I couldn’t stop now if I wanted to, and I didnotneed the Perfect Prince effing things up for me.
I kept my eyes downcast, playing the terror-stricken human, which wasn’t all that hard. This wasn’t like going undercover for Slayers, Inc.
Yeah, those assignments could be risky. You never knew when things might go south. Take my last couple of jobs, for example.
But those ops had been planned weeks in advance. I’d felt in control, my cover note-perfect, and I’d always had a switchblade or two concealed somewhere on my body.
This felt like being shoved onto a tightrope with no training…and no net to catch me if I fell.
Backstage, Madame Z—that’s how she’d been introduced, with theZpronounced the French way,Zed—waited. “Get ready. The prince wishes to leavetout de suite.”
I knew better than to ask if I could change out of the dress and heels. I nodded and hefted the small bag which was all I’d been allowed. It held makeup, a toothbrush, a nightgown and a change of underwear.
I suppose I was lucky. Some blood slaves aren’t even allowed shoes.
“Your tattoo,” said Madame Ze. “It’s most unusual.”
I glanced over my shoulder, even though I couldn’t see the tattoo from this angle. I didn’t have to see it, though.
The image haunted my dreams, the horror of receiving it still bright in my mind.
A dagger and a rose in blood red.
The needles had hurt, but the real pain had been knowing that I’d been betrayed by one of my own. That I’d been set up. Lied to.
And that when I got off that table, I’d be Kuro’s creature to move around like a pawn on a chessboard.
“What does it mean?” she asked.
I smiled thinly. “Vengeance.”
Her plucked dark brows lifted. “I see. Come, then.” She turned and led the way down a short hall. When we reached a closed door, she touched a pad and a camera scanned her face.