Page 74 of Fallen
I nodded. “I’ll come with you.”
“No,” he said firmly. Then he sighed. “You…agitate him. It’s better if I do this alone. He trusts me.”
Hurt jabbed me, quick and sharp. You’d think I’d know better than to expect anything from Jules, especially these days. But apparently, the boy who’d wanted more than anything to please his father could still be hurt.
“It’s better this way,” Prosper added, and I hated that he saw that little boy.
“Fine. I guess you’d know.” I shrugged as if we were discussing someone else’s father.
Outside Prosper’s apartment, I found Cain and Talon in the hall. Cain was pacing, but Talon was propped against the wall, outwardly relaxed. I knew better; he was as tense as Cain.
“Everything okay?” Cain asked.
Talon pushed off the wall, his gaze moving between my eyes.
Inside my head, Jules sneered.Traitor. I always knew you’d do something like this.
My father had never wanted my love—but he had demanded loyalty.
When you got right down to it, I was conspiring with Prosper to pull off a bloodless coup, something that to my father, would be the worst sort of disloyalty.
But fuck if I was going to feel guilty about it. Jules had wanted a ruthless SOB of a son. In other words, he’d wanted a son just like him.
Well, he’d gotten his wish.
“Everything’s fine,” I told my friends.
“Hey, girlfriend.” Eden sauntered around the bend as I closed the door to my suite.
My spine prickled. Her again. It seemed like every time I stepped out of my suite, the tall blond thrall popped up.
“Hey,” I said and started walking.
A cold, heavy fog had settled over the island. After sleeping in, I’d spent a couple of hours lying around in my suite, reading, with Demon curled up next to me. Now I’d decided to continue exploring the castle. You never knew when that kind of intel might come in useful.
Eden fell in beside me. “Where are you going?”
I hesitated. My gut said not to trust her, but if she was spying on me, better to have her where I could see her than sneaking around behind my back.
I gave her an easy smile. “Nowhere in particular.”
She glanced at my joggers and sleeveless tee. “You’re not on your way outside, are you? It’s like fucking pea soup out there.” Her mouth compressed. “Hell, the fog’s even inside the castle. Just one more thing I hate about this goddamn island.”
I blinked, taken aback by her bitterness. “Why don’t you leave, then?”
“I’m going to. As soon as my contract is up.” She let out a breath and gave me a half-hearted smile. “Don’t mind me. It’s the fog—it gets to me.”
I flashed to her crying in the Bite Club. Something was bothering her—something more than the fog—but I was pretty sure that if I pressed her, she’d brush me off again.
“I wasn’t going outside,” I said. “I figured I’d do laps around the upper floors of the castle.”
“Why not go to the gym?”
“There’s a gym?”