Page 14 of Mercy & Obsession

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Page 14 of Mercy & Obsession



“She doesn’t know shit, Boss,” I filled Viking in, taking a drag of my cigarette.

“Are you sure she isn’t a spy?” Dumble challenged what I had to say.

“Yes,” I declared with false confidence. I didn’t wholeheartedly think she wasn’t involved, but if she was, I didn’t think she was aware of it. Maybe I was a dumbass and fell right into the trap she set for me, but something inside me wanted to trust her.

“What are we going to do with the girls now? Annie girl is a pain in my ass,” Sticks huffed. “She’s already busted my chair and wrecked my room.”

“You’ll take her to the safe house upstate, wait for orders.” Smoke bellowed out of Viking’s mouth as he deliberated.

“Shit,” I cussed.

“That a problem,brother?” Viking snuffed his cigarette out in the ashtray harder than necessary and shot me a hateful look.

“Not directly. Bird is going to lose her shit if they are separated.”

“He’s right. That one isdÚsachtach. In fact, she’s so crazy, I’m certain she’d give my mother a run for her money. She’s unpredictable. I like her.” Mordicus licked his lips, and it took everything in me to stop my balled fist from connecting with his face. I had no right to claim Reggy and I would keep my distance, but as long as I was breathing no one else would have her either.

“Like we give a shit what she wants.” Dumble flipped the quarter he held beneath his pointer finger and watched it spin. In usual Dumble fashion, he said what he was thinking. He wasn’t an idiot as his road name would suggest. If the truth be told he was close to being a genius, he was just a slow shit. Fucker didn’t do anything on anyone else’s timeline if it wasn’t a necessity. He was a damned good brother, who lived and breathed for our club.

“Stone, as long as she does what we say, her friend will be safe. If she steps out of line, Maryanne will be the one we punish. That should be enough motivation to get her to play nice,” Viking told us his thoughts, and no one breathed a word as he spoke. None of us were strangers to this kind of situation, but with Viking’s military background we all looked to him for added insight. At least I did anyway. After all, if it wasn’t for him and this club my ass would more than likely either be six feet under or locked up.

All eyes were on me, waiting for my response. “Agreed. If the other girl is out of the picture, it’s less strain on us. I’ll deal with Reggy. She won’t be a problem. What are we going to do with her?”

“The way I see it is as long as we have her the Falbos don’t. We’ll keep her as long as we need to. In the meantime, we figure out why they want her. You two still on good terms with Mikhailov?”

I nodded along with Mordy. Damien Mikhailov was our contact in the Bratva. He had eyes everywhere. Of course, we did too, but people didn’t openly welcome us into social gatherings as easily as they did him. There was something about being a biker that intimidated society or maybe it was the fact that Damien was who he was. Not many had a choice when it came to him, people did what he said. Not that they had any real voice when it came to us either, but we didn’t have as much pull as he would on the West Coast.

“Well, saddle up, Buckaroos. Looks like you all and your Bird are flying west.” Viking coughed out a laugh. “Word is he has a problem on the border and we’re going to offer our help. Get as much info as you can.”

“Solid plan, Prez,” I agreed. “We need to be ready for whatever they have up their sleeve.”

“Aye. If we aren’t in business with them, we’re the enemy.” Mordy bit the end of his thumb and released it with a flick. “They asked for it, though. They are trying to take us for idiots. No way we’re going to let them bleed our club to meet their price increase.”

“Exactly.” Dumble lifted the quarter from the table, inspecting the edges of the coin.



Stone ushered me into the back of the car and sat opposite from me. The handle of his handgun shifted upward from the waistband of his jeans; the subtle movement caught my attention. I was so on edge after the events of last night that it wasn’t funny. Even the tiniest shift of something from anything close to any of the bikers had me slamming into fight or flight mode. I promised myself I would survive this.

After Stone had stupidly left me alone, I spent as much time as I was able destroying every inch of Mordy’s room. Fuck him and his stupid bag of tricks. He’d make me pay with flesh and mental abuse for every broken item, I was certain of it, but he deserved the shit. I was in the process of taking the last screw from the inside of his nightstand when Stone came for me. Thankfully, I didn’t see Mordy after that whole fiasco and never wanted our paths to intertwine after. I wasn’t a lucky person, though. I would see Mordy again, there was no doubting that fact as long as I was a captive to these bikers.

“Where’s Maryanne?” I questioned Stone, keeping my focus on his gun.

“She’s safe and will continue to remain that way as long as you do as we say.”

My chest rose and fell rapidly, and I fought the urge to vomit. I didn’t know whether to grab his gun or make a run for it, maybe a combination of both would get us out of this hell. My hands balled into fists and then I grit my teeth. “I don’t know what else you all think I can do. I don’t fucking know them, Stone. I’ve heard stories of what theymayhave done. Who knows whether it’s the truth or not! Mom probably made most of it up. I told you everything I know, so why can’t you just let us go? I won’t say anything. Maryanne won’t either. We won’t tell a soul,” I pled, tears burning my eyes.

He glanced out the window and sighed. The harshness of his features softened somewhat when his focus came back to me. “Bird, it’s a powerplay. Whether it’s the truth or not, you’re a vital piece on our crime chessboard. As long as the Falbos want you, so will we. It won’t stop until we figure out what you are to them. Every move one of us makes is followed by another. It’s an endless game of back and forth until someone comes out the victor.”

I refused to listen to any more of his crap. This was bullshit! I wasn’t a chess piece or a thing anyone should use for anything against my will. I was a person. A fucking living breathing person! My head whipped away from him, and I counted the raindrops as they fell outside the car. They pelted down on the roof in a cadence pattern, and I closed my eyes. I needed to relax. It would be so easy to get lost in this moment if the circumstances were different, but they were not. No amount of buttered-up lies could smother out the reality of this scenario.

“Hey, I get it, Regina. I really do,” Stone softly said as his finger rubbed lightly up my arm like Mordy’s knife had. The memories of him and his girl, Bloodlust, was something I didn’t think I would ever forget. The longer Stone’s finger moved the more he provoked me. “The two of you are safer with us,” he whispered.

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