Page 17 of Mercy & Obsession
“Éan, relax. I’m not going to kill you while I drive.”
My lips pushed together, and my eyelids bolted back open. “I don’t believe you.”
“Just the same. It was not personal, only business.”
“Right.” I mindlessly groaned, not really giving a shit about what he had to say. Whatever it was, he could keep it to himself for all I was concerned. I’d already given more than trust to one biker, there was no way in hell I was looking to double up, especially not with Mordy. I pushed my luck with Stone and although I didn’t know if I trusted him wholeheartedly, I didn’t hate him either. At the very least I wanted to trust him, but the reality was I was still at his disposal. My chest ached unbelievably hard with the thought of him being the one to kill me. But it wasn’t the dying that scared me, it was staring in his eyes as he did it.
I tried my best to stay awake, but my body was so worn down given everything I’d been through. My thoughts were filled with questions about Maryanne, praying she was strong. Stone told me she was safe, and I had to believe him to survive. If I found out he was lying after I gave him a piece of me, I was afraid that was the one thing I wouldn’t be able to withstand. I considered myself to be a strong person, but that kind of pain was something a person didn’t come back from.
I wasn’t able to fight it anymore, exhaustion took me into a deep sleep.
Iwatched her as much as possible as she slept in my brother’s arms, swerving off the road a few times. What was it about her? I’d tried wrapping my brain around what caused me to lose control on her and came up without one fecking good answer. She wasn’t anything more to me than a vessel that held something I needed. Something I had to get. If Stone had let me be, I would have gotten the answers we needed…maybe. On the other hand, she might not be alive right now. I’d never wanted to kill someone so badly in my life, but it wasn’t because she pissed me off. Quite the opposite actually. She excited me.
“What are you looking at, fucker?” Stone roused, brushing his hair out of his line of vision with his fingers.
“The scenery. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” A sly grin touched my lips and I put my focus on the road ahead of me.
“You can look but you keep those grubby freak fingers to your damned self.”
“Aye, Stone. I hear your arse loud and fucking clear, deartháir.”
“You better.”
“I have no trouble letting you visit Bloodlust and the rest of the girls.”
“I’m not afraid of your toys, Mordicus.” He yawned in a bored tone. “Hell, bring them all. We’ll have a party.”
“Two’s a party, but fifteen’s a fecking blast, just saying.” I laughed, flipping the signal to the on position as I turned onto the ramp.
* * *
“Where’s Stone?”Éan demanded with a stomp of her foot.
“Picking up a few things.”
“Why didn’t you go instead?”
“Didn’t want to.” I shrugged, poking the eggs in front of me on the plate.
“You have clothes to put on in there.”
“Who got them?” She looked around the room suspiciously.
“I did.”
“I don’t want anything you have, Mordy. There is absolutely nothing you could offer that I would take.”
“Fine, go to the meeting naked, just the same to me. On second thought, don’t wear the dress, we might get answers from Mikahlov faster. He might be a taken man, but he’d have to be an idiot not to appreciate you.”
She rolled her eyes, and I resisted the urge to jerk her body across the table and onto my lap. “Ha. Appreciate me how? Like you did by stabbing me?”
If she only knew how much restraint it took not to slit her throat and watch her beauty drain into a puddle on my bed, she would be thanking me. Instead, she wrecked my room and stole the knobs off my nightstand. Unbeknownst to her, she was the bravest woman I’d ever met. Most women shook with fear as soon as I brought out my party bag. Not her. She’d spit in my face, and it made my cock hard. What my brothers said was true, I was a fecked-up individual, but I owned that shite. I didn’t try to hide from the world like most would, I embraced it. Hell, I found a career of sorts that let me be exactly who I was, and they celebrated it. Okay, maybe my brothers didn’t love who I was all of the time, but they gave me acceptance, and that was enough for me.
My tongue rolled over my teeth, and I lifted my empty fork in the air, ramming it down into the table. Her body quivered in response, but she didn’t backstep and retract her statement to appease me either. I liked that about her. Even when faced with fear she was true to herself, and that was something I was able to relate to. She was more like me than she would see, but I might just open her eyes for her eventually. Maybe not. It depended on how this trip went. Stone would be pissed that we wouldn’t get our deposit back, but it was who I was. Who they expected. I handled the shite when everyone else was too soft to do it and did it with a fucking smile on my face.