Page 20 of Mercy & Obsession
The most important detail the man, who might be Andy, got wrong was my last name. Even if I had searched for Dad and then somehow, he miraculously convinced me to change my name to his, it still wouldn’t be Angeloff. His last name was Angel. Fucking hell, I was an idiot. I was so incredibly dumb. Not only had I listened to the nightmarish stories Mom had told us, I summarized them for Stone, but I never once connected the neon-colored fucking flashing dots right in front of me. Angel had to be a shortened version of Angeloff.
“Now who is the one hiding shit?” Stone yelled the question in a gritty voice. “If you’ve been tailing us for this long, why the show now? Why not stop us before we came this far?”
“We had to see if you were actually going to double-cross us. Not only did you do that, but we went unnoticed which proves you can’t keep her safe. She’ll be coming with us.”
“Not if I have anything to say about it.” Mordy’s wicked laugh followed his statement. “I’ll gun all of you down to your kneecaps and leave you to bleed out if you try to find her.” The words he spoke held such passion for violence I almost felt sorry for his opponent. I’d been in that very position and somehow by the grace of God lived to see another day. Something told me not many people were as lucky as I was.
“We’re not afraid of your empty threats, Mordicus.” I hadn’t known Mordy very long at all and even I was smart enough to know nothing about his threat was a lie. The man was a certifiable lunatic who not only had a personal arsenal all to himself, but he also gave each weapon a name as if they were his children.
“Hardy-har-har, Andrei, does your Bratva boss know how much of aglupyymalen’kiy ublyudok he has speaking on his behalf?” Mordy coughed on the end of his statement, almost choking as he laughed.
“Mordicus, I have a dad, so if you’re going to insult me, you’ll have to do better than calling me a little bastard. AndPakhanknows exactly who speaks for him and when. Let me be clear, I can guarantee you won’t harm us, because Regina won’t let you.”
“Éandoesn’t know what’s good for her. Like you said, she let Stone taste her, so there’s a few things she needs to work out on her end,” Mordy barked and although he wasn’t visible, I knew without a doubt a sadistic smirk was plastered across his smug face. My blood boiled, but now wasn’t the time to lose my head. Later, after our lives weren’t in question, I would do something to get back at Mordy. Maybe I would cover all his “girls” in the duct tape with the sticky side up. I saw a roll peeking out of his bag when he opened it in the hotel room. A brief smile pulled my lips upward but vanished as fast as it had appeared.
“That translates to bird if I’m not correct, yes? That’s hilarious. It’s probably a good thing I came instead of Damien, that’s what he calls his lady as well. Things may have gotten a bit weird if more than one bird was brought into conversation don’t you think?”
“None of this has anything to do with why we’re here, Andrei. Either shoot my ass or drop the gun,” Stone barked in a possessive voice.
“Stone,” he tutted, “It has everything to do with why we are here. All of it. Regina is hisdvoyurodnyy brat, yes, or no?”
“My money is on the latter, fucker,” Stone growled, his jaws twitching with frustration no doubt.
“Let’s ask her, shall we?” Andrei suggested in a bored tone.
“No!” Stone and Mordy spat out at the same time.
Curiosity got the better of me. I was all for self-preservation but if what he said was true, why would they come for me now? If I was really part of a crime family then how had it taken this long for me to find out? This was too juicy of a secret for Mom to have possessed all of my life. Hell, she wasn’t able to keep to herself what my birthday presents were and more often than not ruined the surprise by telling me. I had to see him. I wouldn’t be able to move on with my life without knowing if Andrei and Andy were one and the same—if my family was part of the Russian mafia. I didn’t speak the languages, yet from the stories Mom had told, I recognized the term “pakhan” to mean boss in Russian.
Keeping most of myself hidden behind the tire, I inched my head out only a fraction. That was all it took to send my world into a downward spiral. AndreiwasAndy and Andy was indeed Andrei. His face was much older than how I remembered him, but it was without a doubt him or someone who had gone to a great deal of trouble to look like him. He had to have known my location or at the very least that I was nearby. Andy lifted his right hand above his head, keeping his left tightly wound around his weapon.
“See, Regina, dinky pinky,” he attested into the air as his eyes scanned the area. Maybe he didn’t know the exact spot I was currently hiding, so I might be safe if I stayed perfectly still. Andy had a freak accident when we were kids and lost the upper most portion of his pinky. I wasn’t sure of all the details but remembered Craig and Greg landing him with the name Dinky Pinky the weekend he stayed over at our house. Evidently, I wasn’t the only one who remembered.
I told myself the information didn’t change anything, but it changed everything. I was the indirect cause behind why Maryanne and I had been taken even if I wasn’t privy to the reason. That much I was able to piece together. However, the nagging thing that had me standing up and walking into the open was why now? What did they want after so many years of keeping me in the dark? I didn’t have anything to offer them. If it was money they were looking for, I was broke and so was Mom.
“Bird, what the fuck are you doing?” Stone hissed, glancing to me as I approached Mordy.
“One of the only times I’ll agree with him, get your pretty little arse to cover.” Mordy swore, but stood in front of me defensively, his gun like Stone’s, drawn and pointing right at Andy. Stone rushed to us, his focus never leaving Andy.
Stone sighed. “You have a fucking death wish, don’t you?” he asked under his breath, so only I heard him.
I breathed out slowly. “He’s telling the truth.”
Stone’s eyes glossed over with hatred and his jaws clenched together and released, “You lied?”
I shook my head. “I didn’t know.” Stone groaned.
“A fucking dinky pinky, I have one of those too. Right here in my trousers, Andrei. Doesn’t mean shit unless you want to have a pinky war. So how about it, aye? Want to have a pinky date with mine?” Mordy simpered as he glanced over his shoulder to me and nudged my boob with the tip of his elbow.
“She knows what it means. We’re family and the time has come she knows the truth.”
Éanwhispered to us, “He’s telling the truth.”
Stone was the first to react .“You lied?”