Page 15 of Indecent Ventures
There’s a devil on my shoulder right now telling me that if I ever wanted a chance with Reagan, this is the moment.
I close my eyes for a second to gather my thoughts. While I’m no angel, I value Carter’s happiness above my own. He’s my best friend. My family. I know that I’ll do anything I have to do to help him get Reagan back, so I quickly brush that devil aside.
I console him until he calms down enough to have a thorough conversation. “Tell me everything that happened.”
He proceeds to tell me what transpired. After some back and forth, we form a plan. It will be a huge sacrifice for him, but he’s willing to do everything and anything to get her back. I can’t imagine loving someone so much that I’m willing to give up what’s most important to me… What he’s about to give up.
A few days later, I watch from a window as Reagan runs into Carter’s arms. They hug and kiss like they’ll never let go of the other. Then she says something, and he starts hysterically laughing, because of course, in this emotional moment, she cracked a joke. She’s Reagan and she’s perfect.
I know he has a ring in his pocket right now. He’s going to ask her to marry him at some point soon. I’m happy for my best friend. I’m happy that I was able to help him make this happen. I’m selfishly jealous that he found the perfect woman. I don’t think another one like her exists.
* * *
I crack my eyes open on a Saturday morning. I hear a noise coming from inside my condo.
My bedroom door opens, and Carter appears in jeans, a T-shirt, and a leather jacket. That’s usually his motorcycle-wearing uniform.
He quickly scans my room. “Are you alone?”
I nod. “Unfortunately. Why are you here?”
“It’s a nice day. I thought we could go for a ride.”
“I’m not riding bitch with you. You’re sexy, but I’m not holding onto your flabs while we ride one of your bikes.”
He rubs his stomach. “Are you jealous of my sexy abs?”
I pull the sheet down to my waist, revealing my perfect, muscular stomach. “You should be jealous of mine.”
“Ugh, pull the sheet back up. I don’t need to see that dad bod.”
I let out a laugh. “Why are you really here?”
“I want to go for a ride with you. Of course I had another bike dropped off. I don’t want your smelly, scrawny arms around me.”
“I don’t suppose you brought the Dodge Tomahawk, did you?” It’s a half-a-million-dollar bike and goes up to four hundred and twenty miles per hour. It’s the most perfect bike ever made, and Carter has one.
He smiles and dangles a set of keys in front of him. “Nothing but the best for my best friend. I got a new bike that I’m going to try out, so the Tomahawk is all yours for the day.”
My eyes nearly bug out of my head. “You’re seriously letting me drive it?”
“You bet, brother.”
I spring out of bed in excited anticipation.
He covers his eyes. “Ugh. I don’t need to see your junk.”
I look down. Whoops. I forgot I was naked. I puff out my chest with all the bravado in the world. “Admit it; you’ve never seen one this big.”
He lets out a laugh. “You’ve seen my dick, Collin.” I hate to admit it, but he’s right. He has a fucking third leg in his pants. I thought I had the biggest dick ever known. He might beat me. Just barely though.
He peels his eyes back open and looks closer. “Did you get your dick pierced?”
I nod. “A few months ago.”