Page 23 of Indecent Ventures
“How’s your dad?”
“He’s fine. I saw him last week at Aunt Darian and Jackson’s. Oh, Reagan and Skylar are both pregnant. They’re due at around the same time in the late spring.”
“How nice for them. Skylar is really churning them out.” I see her smile, but I sense pain too.
“Mom, did you ever want to have more kids? I’m sure you still can.”
“At one point I did, but I think that ship has sailed.”
“Why? You’re still young enough. You and Rick could have a baby.” He doesn’t have any kids of his own.
Tears well in her eyes.
I reach over and take her hand. “What’s wrong?”
“Sweetie, I wanted to let you know that I’m leaving Rick.”
Tears start falling down her cheeks. I get down on my knees in front of her and wrap my arms around her waist. “Oh, Mom, I’m so sorry. I thought you were happy. I didn’t realize you were having problems. Did something happen?”
She leans her head on top of mine. “There’s nothing scandalous that went on. There’s just something missing from our relationship. The passion wasn’t there. If I’m being honest with myself, it never has been. I knew it from the beginning. I feel like if I don’t make this break now, I’ll regret it down the line. I know I wanted some stability, and Rick provided that, but he’s almost too stable. I want someone I can’t live without. That gives me something I can’t imagine getting anywhere else. Does that make sense?”
I look up at her. “Of course. You want to be happy. You deserve that.” I smile. “You want someone that makes your toes curl.”
She giggles. “I suppose I do. You don’t think I’m being foolish? Chasing a ridiculous fairy tale?”
I shake my head. “No, not at all. If you want a fairy tale, make it happen. You should grab life by the horns and do what makes you happy. Are you okay financially? I’m happy to help. Reagan and Carter pay me stupid crazy money.”
She runs her hand over my cheek. “No, sweetie, I’m fine. Thank you for offering though. I may not have the money the rest of your family has, but I’m getting by just fine. I’ve had a few good years with my paintings.”
Mom is an artist. Her paintings are amazing. They didn’t always put food on our table, so she made and sold jewelry too. A few years ago, her paintings started to sell like crazy. She’s significantly more comfortable now than she was when I was a kid.
“Okay, but don’t ever hesitate to ask.”
“I won’t. Thank you. What about you? Are you seeing anyone?”
I let out a laugh. “Have you ever known me to trulyseeanyone?”
She sighs. “No, I suppose not. It’s not healthy, Jade. One day, you’re going to meet a man. You need to give in at some point and let yourself trust someone.”
I stand and cross my arms. “Because so many men have come through for us in the past?”
“I know I didn’t set a great example for you growing up. I tried to change that with Rick, but he’s just not my Prince Charming.”
I shake my head. “I’m sorry, Mom, but I don’t believe in Prince Charming. Every man we’ve ever known has let us down. They’re the inferior sex for a reason.”
“Jade, that’s not true. It’s been fifteen years. Your dad has shown you love every day for those fifteen years. Your relationships with men are unhealthy. Have you been talking to Dr. Pearl?”
“Yes. I’ll have you know that I’m doing quite well. She offered me a therapy gold star.”
“I imagine she was humoring you.”
I shrug. “Maybe.”
“Please, sweetie, when the right man comes along, be open. Don’t be like me who always looked in the wrong places. I’m forty-four and I’ve never experienced true love. It’s a lonely place to be. Put yourself out there.”
“I’m young. I’m having a good time right now and that’s all I want. I enjoy no strings sex.”
“Is it at least good sex?”