Page 32 of Indecent Ventures
I’m having dinner at Mac and Ashleigh’s house tonight. My whole family will be there. I decide to go a little early to spend quality time with his kids. He has an eight-year-old son, Liam, and a four-year-old daughter, Lucy.
I let myself in and see Ashleigh in the kitchen cooking. I adore Ashleigh. She’s the sweetest, kindest woman. She’s petite, with brown hair, green eyes, and a cute face of freckles that come out more in the summer.
I kiss her cheek from behind. “Hey, beautiful.”
She turns and smiles at me. “Ooh. Keep talking.”
“You’re sexy, a great cook, a wonderful mother, and Mac says you’re very yummy.”
Her cheeks redden adorably at that last bit.
She smiles. “He didn’t say that.”
I nod with a huge grin. “Yes, he did.”
“Do you want to taste something yummy?”
I look around like I’m making sure we’re alone and joke, “Okay, but don’t tell Mac. Also, don’t tell him that I’m a better taster than him. He gets jealous.”
She laughs as she lightly slaps my arm with her dishrag. “I meant the stew, dopey.”
No one makes better Irish Stew than Ashleigh.
I smile. “Hell, yes.”
She feeds me a heaping spoonful. “Hmm. Amazing. You’re the best.”
I hand her the bottle of wine I brought. She looks at it. “Snoop Dogg wine? That’s my favorite.”
“I know. It’s offensive that you love it so much, but I know you do.” I wouldn’t call myself a wine connoisseur, but I know this isn’t quality wine, by any stretch of the imagination.
She giggles. “Thank you. I appreciate the indulgence.”
I look around. It’s unusually quiet. This house is never quiet. “Where is everyone?”
“Mac is picking Liam up from baseball practice. He’ll be back in a few minutes. Lucy is in the playroom. You’re the first to arrive. Everyone else should be here soon.”
I turn to exit the kitchen toward the playroom. “Sorry, I need to go see my best girl.”
I hear her shout, “What about me?” as I walk away.
As soon as I walk into the playroom, Lucy looks up at me and a huge smile spreads across her adorable face, melting my heart. She runs straight into my arms shouting, “Uncle Collin!”
I pick her up and twirl her around. “How’s my favorite niece?”
“I’m your only niece.” My brother, Shane, has one son.
“And? You’re still my favorite.” I whisper, “No matter what, you always will be. Don’t tell anyone else.”
She giggles. “I won’t. Want to know a secret?”
“You’re my favorite uncle.”