Page 37 of Indecent Ventures
She’s right. Why am I denying myself what I want?
I smile. “Ugh. If I only I met you before Mac.”
She giggles and mumbles, “I don’t know if I could handle you.”
That might be true, but there’s one woman I think is up to the task.
I’m in Carter’s office with him and Reagan. When I come here, I try to dress a little nicer than my normal work clothes of jeans and boots. Well, I’m still in jeans, but they’re my weekend jeans and I’m wearing a button-down shirt, nice shoes, and a jacket. No tie. I don’t do ties.
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t put in a drop of extra effort just in case I ran into Jade. I can’t get her out of my mind. There’s something so enticing about her. Obviously she’s ridiculously sexy, but it’s her whole demeanor. She’ll say and do anything. She’s a little wild and very funny. She has no filter. I love that.
Ashleigh was right. Since when do I care what other people think? Well, I guess I care a little about what my family thinks. If I didn’t, it wouldn’t bother me that they have no faith in me. I know I care what Carter thinks. Mostly, I care about our friendship. It’s the most genuine thing in my life.
That’s the problem with starting something with Jade. Carter won’t like it. He’ll hate it. And when it goes to shit, which it will because that’s my M.O., what does that mean for my relationship with him?
Reagan asks, “What do you think?” She’s showing me a bunch of properties they want to buy, have me rebuild, and then sell.
“I like the office building and the two larger single-family homes. The Wander property has endless potential. The rest don’t seem worth the hassle for you guys. There’s not enough money in it for you. You guys have mega-money. Why bother with the small potatoes?”
They smile at each other like they have a secret. They always manage to communicate without talking. I’ve watched over the past five years as their two minds have become one. They’re that in sync with one another. I can’t imagine that ever happening to me. I can’t imagine being so incredibly in sync with another person that you have all the same thoughts and can finish each other’s sentences.
Carter places his hand on my shoulder. “We want to set up this business with you. Not Fitz and Sons Construction. Equal partners. Reagan and I will own half, and you’ll own the other half.”
“What? I don’t have this kind of money. I can’t contribute.”
Reagan nods. “You contribute time and expertise. We can’t manage the rebuild on these properties. We’ll fund it and you work on managing the projects.” She hands me a folder. “Here’s all the paperwork for a new company. It will take some time to set up, but this is what we’re thinking.”
I look at Carter in question. He smiles. “Collin, you’re incredibly talented. You didn’t just build our house like a regular contractor. You designed it. You worked with the architect and engineers. I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s special. It’s innovative. You have a unique mind for this. Your family might not see it, but we do. I know you’re not completely happy working with them. You can start to build something on your own. Maybe one day soon, if you choose, you can completely break free from them.”
I’m in shock. “What? Are you serious?”
They both nod.
I have tears in my eyes. “Fuck, Carter. You don’t have to do this.”
“I know, but we want to. We’re investing in your talent. We believe in you. That’s what Daulton and Lawrence Holdings is at its core. Finding talent and helping it to blossom into something bigger. This company helped do that for Reagan’s father and helped do that for Jackson. It’s our mission. Maybe this deal looks a little different and is a bit more personal, but the general principles are the same.”
I run my hands through my hair. “I’m at a loss for words. I don’t want anything to interfere with our friendship. What if things go south?”
Carter nods at the folder. “That’s why we have the paperwork. Have an attorney look through it all and let us know.”
“I trust you. I don’t need that.”
He smiles. “Do it. I insist.”
I let out a breath. “Okay. I guess if you think it’s best. Thank you. I’m…I’m blown away right now.”
Reagan shrugs. “Thankyou. You’re helping us too. We’re submitting the bid for the Wander property immediately. Why don’t you head down to Jade’s office with the information on the property. She’s a genius at taking what’s in your mind and getting it out onto virtual modeling so everyone else can experience it.”
“Okay. I will. Thanks again. Are you sure you think I’m up for this? It’s not just an excuse to see my pretty face more often?”
They laugh. Carter answers, “We’re excited about it. Now leave so I can take advantage of my wife before her next meeting.”
She gives me a big smile and nods. “I like when he takes advantage of me.”