Page 65 of Indecent Ventures
Collin’s thumb moves to my clit while he manages to answer, “Great. We broke ground this week. Jade’s model expedited things. She really knows how to take it to the next level.”
Reagan looks at me with pride as I try to hide the fact that I’m about to have an orgasm at the dinner table.
I hit the table, while I manage to spit out, “So good…his ideas were sooo good.”
I grab my water and down it all in one go just to hide my face. There’s no way I’m not completely flushed. Please let the attention go away from me.
Fortunately, I’m heard, and they start talking about the babies and the fact that their due dates are close to the big fishing trip. I don’t hear the rest of what they say because I’m biting my napkin trying not to scream into my impending orgasm.
Collin leans over and whispers in my ear, “Come now, baby girl.”
I grip the table and close my eyes as I orgasm on his command like the trained puppy dog I’ve become. The power he has over my body is beyond comprehension.
I do my best to contain any noises that are begging to sneak out of my mouth. I try to keep my body from shaking too much.
As I begin to regain my senses, I look around, hoping I didn’t give myself away. I don’t think I did. Collin is smirking, but nothing else seems off. Even Dad is listening to whatever conversation is happening at the table right now. I certainly have no clue what it is.
When I’m done, Collin pulls his fingers out and sucks them into his mouth. “Where is this food from, Darian? It’s finger-licking good.”
I see the corner of his mouth raise again. I whisper, “You’re going to pay for that.”
He winks at me.
Carter’s attention turns to Collin again. “Are you seeing someone?”
He shakes his head. “No. Why do you ask?”
“You’re lying.”
That gets my attention.
“No, I’m not.”
“Yes, you are. You’re scratching your neck. You always scratch it when you lie.” Heisscratching his neck. “It’s endearing that you can’t handle lying, so you have a tell. It’s also why it’s easy to beat you at poker. You’re obviously seeing someone. You haven’t been out in months.”
Collin plays it cool. “No, Braden is still seeing that girl Pandora. You guys aren’t out at all lately. I just don’t have anyone to go with.” He starts to move his hand to his neck, but I discreetly grab it and hold it down. “Honestly, I’m focused on the work on our new venture right now. I want it to be successful.”
Carter nods, though he’s clearly skeptical. “Anyway, I asked you here for a reason tonight.” He grabs Reagan’s hand. “We both did.” He smiles at Reagan and then turns back our way. “Collin and Jade, we’d like to ask you to be the godparents for our baby.”
My eyes widen. I’m speechless.
Collin stands and walks around the table to hug them both. He smiles. “I’m so honored. Thank you.”
When the shock wears off, I walk around and hug them as well. I say, “Are you sure you want me? What about Harley and Skylar?”
Reagan looks at me. “I’ve spoken with them. They’re okay with it. We’d like it to be you.” I turn to Harley and Skylar and they both smile and nod in agreement.
I begin to tear. Dammit with people trying to make me cry lately. “I’m honored. Thank you. Do I inherit your fortune too?”
They both laugh.
* * *
When dinner is over,we’re all sitting in the living room talking, as we normally do. I’m completely distracted by Collin and thoughts of those rough hands on my body. He’s so ridiculously hot, and so ridiculously talented. My body is overheating simply being in the same room as him.
I excuse myself to the restroom. I need to splash some water on my face. It’s not easy to be around him but not be with him. I hate that I feel this way. Why am I so damn attracted to him? I know why. He’s hot and amazing in bed. Yep, it’s the sex. The orgasms he gives me over and over again. That’s it. That’s all it is.
The bathroom door opens, and he walks in. Without a word, he takes my face in his hands and kisses me. His lips on mine, his tongue meeting mine, it’s all so perfect and familiar now.