Page 43 of Dan.
“To Johan, who has only been with us a few days andsadlyhas to leave tomorrow while all of us remain here.” I pause, letting my words sink in before continuing. “I don’t know Johan very well, but it was nice to get to know you, man. And thanks for all the sailing tips. To Johan!”
Everyone holds up their glasses and repeats my final words while I hold Johan’s gaze as long as I can. Elise isn’t smiling now, having caught on to our little competition, but on the grand scale of things, a few snarky toasts aren’t too harmful in my mind.
Once dinner finishes, everyone starts to peel off and go find their own things to do, talking in small groups and having drinks. The music changes from something just meant for the background to music that can be danced to, and while the thought of asking Elise to dance crosses my mind, my attention is soon pulled away.
I can feel a pair of eyes on me, and when I turn, I see Andries and Roxanne about ten feet away. He’s talking to a waiter, but Roxanne is looking directly at me, and when she catches my eye, she pulls out her phone and sends a quick message.
Roxanne:Hey, can you meet me in the garden for a moment? It won’t take long.
Curious, I decide to agree.
It’s easier for me to get away than expected, and I make it to the lovely little garden with the fountain before Roxanne. I have a feeling she wants to talk about the cabaret scandal, but if she isn’t willing to tell Andries about it then what even is the point? With the sun having fully set, there is just the slight light of dusk on the horizon, and the automatic lights on the villa are kicking on, subtle and golden, giving the gardens a mystical air that would be nice to share with a romantic partner, but instead, I’m going to have to spend my time here with my best friend's fiancée, sorting through the drama she’s gotten herself into, I’m sure of it.
Just as I’m starting to consider going back to the terrace for a drink, Roxanne appears, looking both flustered and tired at the same time. She makes her way immediately to the stone bench and sits down heavily on it with a sigh, tilting her head back to the sky. I take a seat next to her, giving her some time to just breathe before addressing her.
“You doing okay, Roxie? What did you want to talk about?”
“I know you’re already aware of the cabaret nonsense, considering how close you and Elise are,” she answers, sounding resigned.
I consider lying, but there’s no point in it. It won’t be too long till everyone in our social circle will know about everything going on with Bar Rouge, so it’s useless to pretend that I’m not up to date on the gossip. “Yeah, and? Did you have me come here just to confirm that?”
“I need to know if Andries already knows,” she admits. “I haven’t told him yet. Every time I think I have convinced myself to do so, I chicken out. Has he given you any indication that he already knows what’s going on and is trying to use it to manipulate me or call me a liar?”
I consider her question, combing through my memories of how Andries has behaved since the Bar Rouge news broke. “Hewasacting oddly melancholic at the bar last night. More than usual, if you can believe that, but it’s hard to know if he’s just still brooding about Elise and me or if something else is going on. I have to admit, it did cross my mind that your scandal had something to do with him getting blackout drunk, but he never said anything that confirmed it one way or the other.”
Roxanne groans. “He’s so frustrating! If he already knows I wish he would just tell me and get it over with.”
“You know, you could put yourself out of misery by telling him. If he does know and is keeping the information secret then he’s clearly waiting for you to confess. The longer you wait, the worse it will be.”
“I justcan’t,” she laments. “The words just won’t come out.”
“It’s the right thing to do either way, Roxie. If he knows, then at least he will be aware that you’re willing to tell him the truth no matter what, even if it’s tough, and if he doesn’t know, at least your confession will give him confidence that you aren’t trying to hide anything from him anymore.”
Roxanne looks at me, pain in her eyes. “He’s just been so cold and distant towards me lately like he’s hiding some sort of hurt or something.”
“I mean, it’s possible… but I don’t think he’s capable of playing such a convoluted game this close to the wedding. Your marriage ceremony combined with the discovery of everything going on between Elise and me is probably a lot for Andries to handle.” I smirk, trying to lighten the mood, but Roxie looks as serious as ever. “Plus, we both know Andries. If he figured out a bombshell like this on his own his first instinct would be to throw a tantrum.”
Biting her lip, her brows drawn together, Roxanne looks tortured. I lay my arm across her shoulders, and she scoots closer to me, laying her head on my shoulder with a shaky exhale. “He’s testing me, Dan,” she says quietly. “I just know it, and it’s driving me crazy and tying me up in knots. Can you do me a favor and try to fish for some information? If not, I get it….”
“I will talk to him,” I answer back causing her to smile. “I’ll see what I can find out without tipping him off.”
Roxanne seems to relax, keeping her head on my shoulder for a few quiet minutes longer before sitting up straight and discretely wiping the tears away from her eyes. “Thank you,” she says, forcing a small smile onto her face. “I knew you were the right one to ask. Andries might be acting obsessive about Johan but we both know that he’s closer to you than anyone else in the world.”
“Well, besides you,” I point out.
“I hope so,” she sighs. “I really do. I know I’m messing up by not telling him right away but it’s too late to undo it now. I have a plan for when we get back, but it’s all determined by whether he already knows or not.”
“Let’s get back to the party, Roxie, before Andries finds us back here and accuses us of plotting against him or something,” I tease, standing up and straightening my clothes.
She snorts. “That would be just my luck. I’m going to sit here and think for a little longer and then I’ll be back.”
I turn Roxanne’s words over in my mind as I return to the terrace, and the more I consider it, the more I think she might be right about Andries already knowing. I really hope he doesn’t, for her sake, but I also know that if she doesn’t come clean as soon as possible, that there will be big problems no matter at what point he learns of the scandal. Hell, she’s not even going to get away clean if she tells him right this minute… poor Roxanne, she has really backed herself into an impossible corner. I don’t envy her at all.
Back on the terrace, string fairy lights are criss-crossing far above everyone’s heads and combined with the music floating through it all, the ambiance is soft and enchanting. I see Elise first, and she is so beautiful that she seems to glow from within as her dance partner spins her across the floor. I’m so invested in her every movement that it takes me an embarrassing amount of time to realize that it’s Johan she’s dancing with, and all the warm feelings I was just feeling flee and are replaced by annoyance of the highest variety.
Even more annoying is the fact that they are the only couple on the dance floor. All the other partygoers are loosely circled, both standing and sitting, around the cleared dining table and mingling. Being so alone gives Elise and Johan a sense of intimacy that immediately pisses me off, and I have to repress the urge to rush and separate them. I don’t want Johan to know how much he’s affecting me though, so I force myself to walk towards the table where everyone else is, trying desperately to keep the stiffness out of my shoulders.
There is Cointreau, Absinthe, and Limoncello on tiered trays, but I need something with a little more bite. Bypassing the lighter after dinner drinks, I order my third double whiskey for the night. This one is on the rocks so I won’t just toss the whole thing back in one gulp. I can feel the alcohol from earlier still making my thoughts just the smallest bit fuzzy, and while I need the bracing alcohol, I need to be coherent, too.