Page 43 of The Escape Artist
“Are you able to stand?” he asked gently.
“Yes, Master. I think so.”
He put her down, and she braced herself against the spanking horse. Ari picked up the shirt she'd been wearing and carefully put it back on her, buttoning each button, his eyes never leaving hers.
“Are you sure you're okay?”
Claire nodded, not trusting her voice after such an intense experience. It was the most pleasure she'd experienced in her life, and she was still trying to process it.
“I need to talk to my friend about some private business. Go explore the house, and I'll join you in a bit. Okay?”
“Yes, Master.”
He stroked the side of her cheek and bent to press a kiss to her forehead.
Ari bit back the groan as he watched Claire leave the playroom. His white dress shirt hit the backs of her knees, but it was still sexy as hell even as it covered so much of her skin. He wanted to rip it off her again and make her stay, but he needed to talk to Kane before he started to get ideas in his head that could only bring her harm.
“So, you're not sharing her?” Kane said, his tone chiding. It was more a smartass statement than a question. “It would seem from what just happened that your slut is very much still my slut. So how is she different? Besides not being a brat? I mean... I get it. She's perfect. Maybe you aren't as into sharing someone you actually care about as I am.”
Were Ari's feelings for this girl that transparent? He'd been attracted from the first moment he'd seen her, but her sweet submission to his desires since their positions reversed had started to create something much deeper than lust. He needed to protect her. And he was angry that he hadn't been there to save her the first time.
“She has a... complicated situation. The cream lowered her inhibitions,” Ari said. “Otherwise, there's no way she would have...”
Kane had moved back to the center of the sofa, his arms stretched out over the back, smug and self-satisfied. “That was the point. She looked terrified, but I needed to see her come before I could paint her. You know how I operate. I wanted to paint her. You wanted the painting. That cream isn't magic. It only heightens desire that is already there. It removes the barriers and creates the physical response, but if she hadn't really wanted me, none of that would have happened. She wouldn't have begged me to touch her like that. I just wanted to make it easier on her.”
Ari wasn't sure what to make of that. Kane had always been a distant, cold motherfucker. Ari trusted him more-or-less, but he never would have expected this kind of sensitivity from the man. Though maybe he should have. He was an artist after all.
“Mission accomplished. But you aren't fucking her,” Ari said. “I don't think she could handle it... even with that cream. By the way, you need to get on the phone with Lindsay and get a crate of that stuff for me. I will pay whatever he wants. I've never seen an arousal cream that potent before. I didn't even have to touch her before she was acting like she was in heat.”
Kane's smile widened. “I know. Saskia loves it, too.” He turned serious then. “So, why is she different? Why can't she handle fucking me? You know she wants me.”
Ari rolled his eyes. “Shut up. I'm not saying you don't have your obvious charms. I just think it would be too much for her. It might... cause a bad reaction.”
An eyebrow raise was Kane's only reply. Ari couldn't stall any longer. Kane needed to know the back story on all this or he might do something to trigger her, and then nobody's painting dreams were coming true.
Ari sighed and rose from the chair. He unbuttoned his shirt and took it off, laying it across the spanking horse where a copy of the same shirt had been draped only minutes before. Only this one didn't smell like Claire.
Kane smirked at the clothing removal. “I didn't think you were into men. You know you've got to be the bottom because I'm never the bottom.”
Ari laughed. “Shut up, asshole. We're not having sex.”
“I keep telling you, you don't know what you're missing.”
“Do you want to know why I'm not sharing her or not?”
“Technically, you already shared her. I didn't just imagine my fingers exploring the inside of that tight little cunt.”
“You know what I mean... why you can't fuck her.”
Kane's expression turned curious. “Fuck yes, I want to know.”
Ari let out a deep breath, unsure of how to say this. Maybe it was a rip-the-bandaid-off-quick sort of situation. “I wasn't out camping for three weeks. I was kept prisoner in a cell. By Claire.”
Kane laughed.
“I'm not joking.”