Page 4 of Oops, I Elf'd it Again
We paused in the opening, eyeing the ball in progress.
“Whoa. Monsters,” Seyla breathed, taking in golden-furred yetis, short trolls with knobby heads, ogres, orcs, and so many other kinds of monsters I quickly lost count.
And so many elves. Universally tall, they had long hair of every color imaginable, and the males wore tunics that would fit into a fantasy movie. The women wore gowns like ours. They were regal, they stole my breath.
One elf guy caught my eye. He towered over the rest, his broad shoulders filling out his deep blue tunic that matched his sapphire eyes. Some of his silver hair had been pulled up in a man bun at the back of his head, leaving the rest draping around his shoulders. Thranduilanyone?
As if he sensed my attention, his gaze scanned the room and locked on mine. He continued to stare. Heat filled my cheeks. Women of various species fluttered around him, and I could see why. I kinda wanted to hover around him myself.
He disengaged himself from the women and left the ballroom through a door on side before I could head in his direction.
“It’s gorgeous here,” Seyla sighed.
A table holding drinks and snacks had been set up along the left wall, and I’d head in that direction as soon as one of the numerous monsters staring Seyla’s way snagged her attention. A majestic fountain containing a beverage took up the center of the table, guests dipping out glasses before rejoining the crowd.
The far wall was made up of multi-story glass, it overlooked the gardens spreading across an enormous back lawn all the way to the forest. Setting sunlight sparkled on fountains and highlighted numerous statues.
Seyla shot me a nervous smile. “Let’s get a drink. I need the boost.”
I followed her toward the fountain, but before we got there, a tall, gorgeous elf wearing a dark purple tunic and black pants, with black hair shot through with gold, strutted over to walk beside her.
When she stopped, he bowed and held out his hand. “Would you care to dance?”
She fluttered her hands at her throat and looked at me.
I knew what she was thinking. She didn’t want to abandon me.
“Go,” I said with an easy smile. “I’ll get that drink and hang out.”
“You’re sure?” she said.
After shooting me a sly grin, she took the elf’s hand, and he led her toward the big dance floor in front of the windows.
I skipped the buffet table and drink fountain, scooting along the outside of the room until I reached the door the gorgeous elf had disappeared through.
Because I was curious about where he’d gone, I ducked through the opening, finding myself in a long, gilded hall. I walked along the smooth, marble surface all the way to the end and through a big archway, finding yet another hall stretching to my left and right. After taking a few rights, and then a couple of lefts, I was lost, and no one was ever going to find me.
So much for scouting out potential baby making material.
I was passing yet another open doorway when I spied a giant library through the opening. Totally cool.
Stepping inside, I gasped. I was Belle, and I’d walked into book heaven. Shelves full of colorful books took up three of the four walls of the enormous, multi-story room. On the outer wall, tall windows surrounded with thick ruby drapes looked out at the gardens, and a huge stone fireplace dominated the center of the wall.
I strolled across the right side of the room, tracing my fingers across the spines. So many choices. How could someone decide which to read first?
Voices echoed in the hallway.
Afraid of being caught where I didn’t belong, I scurried across the room and ducked behind one of the long, thick drapes.
Someone entered the room, and from the sound, they sat in a chair near the fireplace. Another person joined the first, and his deep, achingly beautiful voice echoed in the room.
I wanted to reveal myself and meet him. He must be one of the painfully gorgeous elves I’d seen in the ballroom.
I waited, remaining still.