Page 21 of Endgame
Leah cuts Beck off before he can finish. “Becky, I’m sorry but he’s stubborn,” she whines before she turns to peer over her shoulder and look up at Darius. Beckett throws his hands in the air. “It’s a picture of Beck and Val on the side of the road.” Darius frowns so she pushes on. “He has his hand down her pants and Val looks… blissed out?” I bury my face in my hands mortified.
“Why the hell are you hiding?” The utter confusion in Beck’s voice is the only reason I drop my hands and look up at him.
“What?” He shakes his head as he looks down at me. Corvin enters the living room with Dawson on his hip and Cody, Katie and Nathan following after him. Beck points to Corvin who freezes on the spot and looks around confused.
“He is literally holding the evidence of us fucking.” My mouth drops open, Corvin chokes on air, while the others all laugh and I pray for the sofa to swallow me.
“That is disgusting and makes me want to never touch my nephew again, fuck you very much, dick,” Corvin snaps as he places Dawson down on one of the bean bags so he can eat his cookies.
“Did you give him a kiss?” I frown at Beck’s question.
Corvin looks from me to Beck. I can see the apprehension in his gaze as he answers. “Uh, yeah?” Beck smirks triumphantly then turns to look at Darius with a shit-eating grin.
“Well, would you look at that, D, both Williams siblings have kissedmy dick.”Darius looks murderous, Corvin splutters and shouts curses at Beckett and tells him he’ll never touch Dawson again after that comment. Meanwhile, I sit here and look between Darius, Corvin, Beckett and Leah, who has her horrified gaze pinned on me. I stand from my seat next to her. She follows suit and the bickering around us stops when they feel the tension between Leah and I rising.
“You slept with Beckett?” I ask in an even tone. Beckett curses from beside me but I ignore him as I look at Leah. She flinches. Darius rounds the sofa to stand behind his girl in support, I feel Beck shift closer to me and tense.
“Yes,” Leah answers, lifting her chin showing me she refuses to feel guilt for what she did.
I nod. “Explains a lot,” I mutter, she frowns.
“The fuck is that supposed to mean—”
Leah cuts Darius off before he can continue to have a go at me. “Valance, I won’t say sorry that it happened because I’m not but, I will say sorry if finding this out hurts you.”
“Honestly, I’m not mad.” Relief shines in her eyes. “I mean, it’s not like I have any claim over the guy. He’s free to stick his dick in any hole he so well pleases.” Darius opens his mouth to tear me a new one but I cut in before he can. “Save it. I won’t say I’m sorry for what I said because I’m not. I don’t give a shit if you and Leah like to spice shit up and fuck around with Beck, do you boo and all that shit. But, I won’t hang around here and allow my son to watch his father do that shit.” I don’t wait for a response as I cross the room, pluck Dawson from his spot on the bean bag and make my way upstairs to pack our things. I’m so fucking annoyed at myself for being such a fool. Him calling me my old pet name lulled me into a stupid false sense of hope.
God, I should have known they fucked from the moment I saw how close they are. Out of everyone in this fucking house, she is the closest to him. He fucking let her in! I forced my way into his head and heart, he willingly let her in, and that fucking stings!
* * *
It can’t have been more than ten minutes before a knock sounds at the door, I ignore it not wanting to talk to any of them. I continue to pack all my and Dawson’s things as I wait for Jeff to arrive to collect us, I text him asking if we could stay with him for a bit and of course, he is a saint and agreed.
The door opens and I flick my gaze up to see Leah standing there awkwardly. “I’ll admit, I expected Katie or even your brother to come in here, not you.” She bites her lip and nods as she closes the door behind herself.
She clasps her hands in front of herself as I drop onto the edge of the bed where Dawson is sitting playing with his toys. “They wanted to come up but I told them you and I needed to talk.” I scoff and roll my eyes. “You can be mad at me all you want, Val, but you have no idea what led to me and Beck sleeping together—”
“I don’t care what got the two of you alone in bed together—”
“We were never alone, Valance. Darius was present with us in the… act.” I hate to admit it but I appreciate that she is wording things carefully so Dawson isn’t able to understand. “Darius and I went through a lot to get to where we are now, Becky was there for me.”
“You don’t need to explain this to me!” I grit out.
“Yeah I do, you need to understand that it wasn’t the… act that brought Beck and I closer, it was the fact that—” She blows out a frustrated breath and runs a hand through her long blonde hair as she tries to form the right words. “Look, what happened between him and me was a one-time thing. Do I love him? Yes. Would I do anything for him? Hell yes. He is my best friend, Valance. I love Cody and Katie but what Beck and I have, it’s something not even Darius can understand. We just understand each other, we have both been through some really hard things, we just… get each other.” She looks me right in the eyes as she speaks. “I willnevergive him up willingly but, if me being in his life is going to cause problems for the both of you, then… I’ll stay away.” The pain in her voice has me feeling like a dick for being such a bitch to her, again.
“Leah, I have no right to speak on his behalf or yours. If he chooses to sleep with fifty women then there isn’t a thing I can say or do about it.” I can hear the bitterness in my own voice.
“You don’t get it.”
“Get what?” I near on shout at her, frustrated with this conversation.
“He only wantsyou. All I did was help him realize that, he doesn’t want me in that way, Val. I mean he may want me around because we are friends, but he needs you. I have been watching the way he constantly gravitates toward you, he watches you all the time, even when you don’t see him. Beckett isn’t the type of guy to express with words how he feels but he is the type of guy to show you how he feels.”
“You just had to say something stupid.” I turn and glare at Darius, the fucker has been trying to say something for the past ten minutes since Leah went to speak to Valance. I admit, I said what I said as a joke and a way to fuck with Darius for getting Leah to snitch on me, but I didn’t mean for Val to find out the way she did that I fucked Leah.
“Shut up, asshole,” Corvin snaps.