Page 28 of Endgame
“For someone who owns a multi-billion dollar company you aren’t very bright!” I tartly reply.
“Yeah well, what do you expect from someone who didn’t have a fucking roof over their head until they made it to college because they were too embarrassed to tell their friends they slept in abandoned houses or under a bridge because their girlfriend kicked their ass to the curb.” Guilt washes over me. “Don’t look at me with pity, Valance, I don’t fucking need it. I made something of myself and I’ll never be that poor little punk kid who had nothing. My son will never know the struggles that I faced.”
“Yeah, and he’ll never know what it’s like to have his father murdered in front of his eyes.” I grit out through clenched teeth.
“You forget my parents are dead as well, I know what it feels like.”
“No, you don’t.”
“Then explain it to me!” he roars.
“My dad was a piece of shit, I know that, but what you don’t get, Beckett, is I don’t care that he’s gone. Your actions that night had a domino effect. I lost my home as well, and unlike you, I didn’t have a chance to run. I had a kid to raise on my own.” Tears trail down my cheeks now. “I’m mad at you because you doing what you did meant I lost my home.” He scoffs and shakes his head.
“How materialistic of you,” he snarks.
“Fuck you! Home wasn’t a place for me, you dumbass. My home wasyou! I fucking lost you that night, that’s what I’m angry about because you have never once admitted you fucked up and left me behind! You. Fucking. Left. Me.” Angry tears cascade down my cheeks. Beckett stands there with his mouth ajar and a shocked look on his face. I shake my head and blow out an exasperated breath.
“Valance…” he whispers my name like it’s a prayer, but I can’t deal with this shit, I’m too emotional.
“Don’t, Beck. Clearly too much shit has happened for us to move on. I’ll work out somewhere to stay—”
“You’re not leaving!”
“Why not? You have made it crystal clear that you don’t want me here, so why the hell would I stay? Us fighting and all the tension between us isn’t good for Dawson.”
“Because I am telling you to stay, you don’t have anywhere to go.” I glower up at him.
“My apartment may not be much to you but it’s our home—”
“You’re not listening, Valance, you don’t have an apartment.” I gasp and stumble back a step.
“What’d you do, Beckett.” He shrugs his shoulders.
“Had removalist go in and pack your shit, handed your keys back to the realtor. Oh, I also paid off all Dawson’s childcare fees. He won’t be going to that place, we’ll all pitch in and work out a roster to watch him while you're at school. I’ll order him a bed and have it delivered later this afternoon. All your school shit is paid in full and I also contacted your boss at that shitty diner, you won’t be working there anymore. Now, if you’re done having a fucking tantrum, I’m freezing and going inside.” I stand here stunned fucking speechless as I watch him turn and walk back inside. I cringe when I see the claw marks along his naked back.
* * *
One week later
Living with Beckett is intense, for the past week it’s been nothing but arguing all day and then each night we put our son to sleep in hisownbed, that Beckett had delivered, and put in his room, then we fuck the night away and get lost in each other. Every morning, we wake to find a fuckingBlack Mamba Petuniaon the porch. Beck and the guys had cameras installed but now, whoever this stalker is has a range of different companies delivering them. Beck has forbidden Dawson and I to leave the house without someone with us since I went to the store the other day alone, and the next morning a package arrived with photos of me and Dawson with a man photoshopped into the pictures with us. It’s obvious they used a different picture of a random guy to crop into each of the photos. That scared me, but yesterday when another batch of photos came, those ones had me paralyzed with fear. They were pictures of Beck with holes cut into his face and a letter promising to kill him if I didn’t leave and return to my apartment.
“Momma, go school?” I shake my head to chase away those dark thoughts and smile down at my little boy, who sits on the mat with Katie coloring.
“Yeah baby, Momma is going with Aunt Leah, Uncle Nathan and Uncle Saint.” The day Beck and I had our big fight out back, he told Dawson that everyone in this house is family so he should address them by aunt and uncle, my little guy was thrilled. Corvin, Crue, Darius and Beck amble into the room from working out in the basement. Beck’s gaze immediately lands on me and it sends a shiver down my spine. Before I lose the nerve I march over to him and hold out the old leather book I made. He stares at me for a second before looking back at me.
“What’s this?” he asks skeptically.
“Back at your cabin, you told me you wanted to know everything, every single detail about our son.” I shuffle nervously from foot to foot worried he will hate it.
“Yeah?” I take a deep breath and push on.
“I never knew if I would ever see you again, but in case I did, I wanted you to be able to see all of his firsts, his milestones, and see pictures of him growing over the years. This book is filled with everything. The other day I didn’t just go to the store, I went to the storage locker where you had my things taken to get this for you.” HIs eyes widen as he looks between me and the book. He tentatively reaches out and grabs it.
“I-I don’t know what to say.” I smile and lean up on my tip toes placing a quick kiss to his lips before backing away, smiling like a dork.
“Don’t say anything, just enjoy learning about your son. There’s also a USB in there, I filmed his birth so don’t watch that with the guys!” I warn him. Everyone laughs at that. Beck’s gaze meets mine and for the first time, when he looks at me, there is no hint of anger only… awe and that steals my fucking breath.
“Eww, can we go before he bones you in front of us.” I throw my head back and laugh at Saint. I place a quick kiss on Dawson’s head as Cody and Katie stand to grab their bags. The three girls and I have class first up, so Saint is coming with us so we aren’t on our own.