Page 40 of Endgame

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Page 40 of Endgame

“I’ll be your worst fucking nightmare if you don’t stay the hell away from my brother.” Leah steps into Lana so they are chest to chest. Chelsea and Sandra step forward causing the four of us to close in on Corv and Leah, these bitches won’t get away with touching Leah if they try. I look around and see we have gathered the attention of everyone nearby.

“Your brother is the one who slid into my DM’s, boo.” Leah laughs at Lana which causes the former to turn beet red in anger.

“Babes, your little minion tried to slide into my man’s DM’s and look how well that turned out for her. My brother doesn’t want anything to do with your dirty ass snatch.” I cough to try to mask my laughter.

“Coming from the whore who let the team run a train,” Darius growls and attempts to cut in and defend his girl, that shit is still a sore spot for him but Saint holds him back.

“What pisses you off more, Lana, the fact I could run a train on the team or is it that only four of them wanted to fuck you because the others were smart enough to know your nasty ass pussy would give them the clap?” Lana gasps and steps back, shaking her head but Leah isn’t done. “The next time you come near my brother, my man or any ofmyguys again, I’ll make sure that the results of your STI checkup will be blasted all over social media.” Leah grips her brother’s arm and drags him past Lana, making sure to shoulder-check Chelsea on her way past.

The moment we round the corner, Darius rips Leah away from Corvin and has her pressed up against the lockers claiming her mouth in a primal kiss of ownership. “Fucking stop that!” Corvin hisses. Darius breaks the kiss and smirks down at Leah before stepping back and allowing her to face her brother. “You really got those results?”

Leah giggles and shakes her head. “Nope.”

“How did you know she had the clap then?” Saint asks. She shrugs.

“Wild guess and judging from her reaction, I was bang on the money.” We all laugh at that, this girl never stops surprising me. “Corv?”

“What’s up?” Leah’s eyes soften as she looks at her brother.

“I love you. You can do way better than that scabby ass bitch.” Darius snorts at Leah’s description of Lana.

“Leah, stop. What happens between me and Cody doesn’t concern you—” Corvin is cut off by the sound of his phone ringing, he pulls it out of his pocket and groans. I peer over to see it’s Cody calling. He sends the call to voicemail only for it to ring again but this time he lets it ring out. I tune the others out as I pull my phone out of my own pocket and shoot a message to Val, I just want to make sure that Cody wasn’t calling because something happened. As the seconds tick by and the three little dots don’t appear I decide to send another text.

Baby, you good?

I follow after the others as they continue on but worry is churning inside me, something doesn’t feel right. I don’t know how to explain it but I have this gut feeling something is wrong. “Corvin?” I call out, everyone halts in the middle of the busy corridor as students continue to brush past us making their way to class.

“What’s up?” I know I’m probably overreacting but I need to be sure or I’ll never be able to sit through a two-hour lecture on Economics.

“Can I use your phone?” I say as I hold my hand out, he shoots me a quizzical look but never the less, hands me his phone. I unlock and see he has a voicemail from Cody, I ignore it and immediately hit re-dial. My worry amplifies as the phone continues to ring, just as I’m about to hang up Cody finally answers.

“C-Corvin?” My blood turns to ice at the weakened sound of Cody’s voice. “H-help…”

“Cody? Cody, what happened?” I shout but the line goes dead, Corvin and the others are on me, shouting at me to answer them but I can’t. I turn and run as fucking fast as I can back to my girl and son and pray like fuck that I’m not too late to save them. If that cunt has done anything to hurt either of them, I’ll fucking kill the cunt with my bare fucking hands.

* * *

My car is sideways as I take the turn onto our street. Corvin grips theoh shithandle above his head while the other three guys smack around in the backseat. I yank the wheel and practically drift into the driveway, slam it in park and leap from the car, not even caring that I left it running as I race across the yard, then up the porch steps only to slam to a halt at the sight. The same window by the front door Leah broke a couple of months ago is broken. The front door is wide open, fear grips me as I begin to worry about what I might find inside the house. Corvin shoves past me and races into the house.

“Cody?” he shouts. I snap out of it and follow after him. “Cody?” he calls out again as we all begin to look around. Saint and Crue race up the stairs as Corv, D and me check downstairs, I head for the games room and slam to a stop.

“Corvin!” I shout and dart forward dropping to my knees beside Cody. She lays in a pool of blood with a knife sticking out of her stomach, she’s deathly pale.

“Oh, God, no!” Corvin screams as he comes into the room. He pushes me out of the way and drops down beside her, his hands ghost over her body scared to touch her in case he causes more pain. A small whimper escapes Cody and Corv sighs in relief as he drops to his ass and pulls her limp body between his open legs. I look up at my friend to see tears rolling down his cheeks. Darius, Saint and Crue rush into the room and freeze at the sight. I look to them in the hope that they may have found my family. Saint shakes his head telling me they found nothing, call me a cunt but a part of me glad my girl and son aren’t laying somewhere around here bleeding out. “Call a fucking ambulance!” Corvin screams as he reaches down and tries to apply pressure to Cody’s wound. “I’m here, baby. I got you, you’re gonna be just fine.”

“C-Corv?” I hear the strain in her voice and my heart sinks. Crue rushes from the room to call 911, while the rest of us sit here helplessly and watch our best friend breakdown in front of us. He may not have said the words aloud but I know Corvin loves Cody. He’s just scared to take that leap of faith again after Lana fucked him over.

“I’m here, baby.” His tone is thick with emotion, he looks down at her and smiles when her eyes flutter open.

“Val… gone.” A pained sound escapes me. Cody’s head lulls lazily to the side as she looks at me. The look in her eyes has me choking up, Cody isn’t going to make it. “D, closet… I kept safe.” I frown not understanding a fucking word she is saying but I nod regardless to appease her and keep her at ease.

“Don’t talk, baby, save your strength, okay? You’re gonna be fine,” Corvin says through his tears. Crue rushes into the room then.

“They’re on their way.”

“Hear that, baby, help is on the way.” Corvin forces calm into his voice as he speaks to Cody and smiles down at her. Her breaths are coming in short gasps, her body limp and pale. I reach out to clasp her hand in mind and I feel how fucking cold she is. Corv darts his gaze to me, I see in his eyes he wants me to tell him she is going to be fine but I can’t. “Fuck off, Beckett!” he screams in my face before he gathers her up and holds her across his lap. Blood coats his hands and clothes, he cups her cheek and tilts her face up to his. “Open your eyes, Cody, please don’t fucking die, baby.” The broken sound of his voice kills me.

“Darius?” The sound of Leah’s voice snaps D out of his stupor. Katie and Leah drove back in Saint’s jeep. D turns to rush out of the room and keep the girls out, but he’s too late. Leah and Katie burst into the room like a storm. “Cody!” Leah screams, but before she can get to Cody, Darius wraps his arms around her and hauls her back. Saint and Crue hold Katie back, both girls crying hysterically for their friend.

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