Page 7 of Endgame
“Shit!” I frown at the sound of panic in her voice. She rushes forward and tries to grab the book but I hold it out of her reach.
“Momma!” Dawson screams so fucking loud it has me cringing.
“Beckett, please give him the book!” I glare at her.
“Why the fuck should I?” I snap.
“It mine, it mine!” Dawson begins to cry and I can’t for the fucking life of me understand why.
“It’s his favorite book and no one is allowed to touch it, please give it to him.” It takes me a solid minute to register what she is saying, when it all clicks into place I hand the book to the kid. He snatches it and clutches it against his chest before he buries his face in her neck again. She sags with relief.
“Why the fuck–” Before I can finish going off at her she cuts me off.
“Please stop cussing in front of him!” My brows jump to my hairline.
“Did she just use her mommy voice to tell Beck off?” I cut a look at Crue, that has him and Saint busting out into hysterics. Valance cringes and drops her gaze to the floor. She lowers herself to the ground and reaches out to grab the bag Saint got for her. She pulls out some cars and crayons and then reaches for the other coloring books Saint brought in. She turns Dawson in her hold and positions him between her legs so he can play. I want to fucking scream at her, call her all he names under the fucking sun but if he really is my son, I can’t allow him to hear me speak to his mother like that, so instead I sit on the coffee table because I refuse to park my ass on the ground by her.
“Val?” Leah calls to her quietly, Valance takes a deep breath before she slowly turns to face Leah. “Can I get you something to eat or drink?” Valance shakes her head and scoffs.
“I’d rather not take anything from you unless it’s a ride back to CHU.” The anger in her voice can be heard around the room. Leah drops her gaze to her lap, and D wraps his arm around her shoulders and pulls her into his side.
“You want to be pissed off, fine, but you don’t fucking speak to her like that!” Darius growls. Valance doesn’t cower from the pressure of his gaze.
“And you don’t get to butt in on anything to do with me or my son. Your girlfriend showed her true colors and made a choice to allow a child to be ripped from his mother!” she snaps back at Darius.
“Fuck it.” Valance’s eyes shoot wide as she stares down at Dawson in horror. “I fuck it, Momma.” Her eyes slam shut and she shakes her head in defeat.
“That’s my bad,” Darius mutters. Valance waves him off and turns Dawson to face her, he smiles up at his mother.
“Munchkin, that is not a nice word and you shouldn’t say that.”
“Fuck, no good, Momma?” Saint and Crue can’t contain their laughter. Valance shoots them a look that has them both clamping their mouths shut and sitting up straighter.
“No, it’s a word only grown-ups can say.” Dawson nods.
“I sowii, Momma.” He gives her a hug and then goes back to playing with his toys. She looks at me expectantly waiting for me to say something.
“You say he isn’t mine, yet my last name is his first name and he has my book.” A whoosh of air escapes her.
“What do you want me to say, Beck?” She sounds defeated.
“The truth, Valance!” I snarl.
“Fine, his name isn’t Dawson and he has your book because I gave it to him. You left it in my room the night you disappeared from my life, happy now?” There it is, the fire in her eyes I used to thrive off of.
“I didn’t disappear, you left!” I snap. She opens her mouth to argue but I don’t want to hear her lies so I push on. “What’s his name then?” She nibbles on her bottom lip. I can tell she is debating on if she should be honest or not so I pin her with a look that promises pain if she lies.
“Fine, his name is Matthew.” My eyes widen, and I feel the others gazes on me, they would have no idea that Matthew is my middle name. She holds my gaze as she continues. “His full name is Matthew Karver…Dawson.” I fail to keep the shock from my face but I need to hear her say the words.
“Is he mine?”
Three simple words.
Three words that hold more weight than they should. His eyes dare me to lie but what’s the point? Dawson is Beckett’s twin, he looks so much like his father it hurts to look at him some days. I wrap my arms around my son and hold him tight as I answer the loaded question.
“Yes.” I expect him to scream and shout, except, he does none of that, just smirks cruelly down at me.