Page 13 of Bad Reputation
“Well, I figure that you’ll eventually settle on one girl. And rumor has it, girls don’t love their men to have roommates, even if they’re as close as you guys are.”
I raise an eyebrow. “Is that a statement about your personal life?”
Forest scowls. “No.”
“Are you sure? Because I could see Addison giving you all kinds of shit over the fact that you still live with Gunnar. I imagine a girl like Addison, who’s obviously from money, doesn’t love your current living arrangements.”
There are a few seconds of silence, when Forest looks at his coffee cup. I was mostly kidding, but clearly I’ve accidentally touched a nerve.
“I don’t like your lack of response. What’s up with you? Are things okay with you and Addison?” I ask after a minute.
Forest looks up at me, a note of pain shining in his eyes. “It’s nothing.”
“Bullshit. What’s going on?”
Forest opens his mouth, but the waitress arrives with our plates just then. She sets down my omelet and Forest’s eggs and fries, then refills our coffee.
“Do you guys need anything else?” she asks.
“No thanks,” I say, trying not to let my impatience show. As soon as she’s gone, I turn my attention back to Forest. “Spill.”
He rolls his eyes. “I’m sure it’s not even a thing.”
I pick up my fork, intending to dig into my still-steaming omelet. “It’s enough of a thing to worry you, obviously.”
I take a bite of my food, burning my mouth a little. It’s so good, though. I reach for the hot sauce, to slather on my food indiscriminately.
“Okay, okay. Addy’s parents… they are not normal people. You know that they’re super rich, houses in Beverly Hills and Aspen, all that jazz. They’re super wealthy and connected.”
I raise a brow. “I don’t know them, but I definitely get a little rich girl vibe from Addison.”
“Well, they definitely don’t like me. I found out this week that Mr. Montgomery only said yes when I asked for his blessing because Addy threatened him.”
I pause with a forkful of food in front of my face.
“Wait, why don’t they like you?” I’m a little baffled by this.
“As it turns out, Addy apparently told them that I’m not from the best circumstances, family wise. In the year we were dating, before I met them, she told them all about my tragic past, I guess. She’s so fucking melodramatic.”
He punctuates that statement by shoving several french fries into his mouth. I frown at him.
“Well that’s shitty. What are you supposed to do about it?”
He shakes his head. “I mean, there’s nothing I can do about it, I don’t think. And every time I talk about the wedding now, Addy gives me this look. Like… if I were a paranoid guy, I would say it’s a knowing look. She has something planned, or something she isn’t telling me.”
I pause. “Like what?”
“I don’t know, man. I just get some really negative energy, flowing from her to me.”
“You think she’s going to call off the wedding?”
He takes a second to eat some of his eggs, thinking that over. “I don’t know. It’s just bugging me. Like an itch that I can’t scratch, that won’t go away.”
I nod, finishing my last bite of food. I sip my coffee, thinking it over. “What are you going to do about it?”
Forest shrugs. “Probably nothing. I’ve asked her about it, a few times. She says nothing is wrong.”
“Well, I am maybe not the best source of advice on this. Everyone knows that I’m fucking dumb—”