Page 11 of Yours
Jagger would love that. Zaz wasn’t even collared by anyone, but he was fully submitting to anyone without even a dirty look. It was partly to save his ass and because he had no choice, but he was pretty convincing as he sucked on the guard’s cock.
Luke only had to submit to one in sexual matters, and he hadn’t been giving his all. He’d done most of what Jagger wanted, but he hadn’t been truly submitting like he was supposed to since he was still resistant to being made to fuck and cum in public.
He thought about getting up to go over and beg for forgiveness. He was probably supposed to ask to be fucked too, but considering how Jagger had said he should have picked another guy, maybe he planned to dump Luke anyway. The begging would just be further shame and punishment.
Besides, couldn’t Jagger not play in public? Even if they had a system and a way they typically followed, couldn’t he not do wagers? Couldn’t everyone respect it if he pretended not to like public sex or say he didn’t feel like it so he could spare Luke more humiliation?
Since he did nothing and stayed put until they were about to go, he ended up with a steel bar across his shoulders. His wrists were shackled to the ends so his arms would be out to his sides and straight all day. Once more, he was helpless and unable to do anything by himself.
The day was mostly like yesterday except he wasn’t quite so tired since he had slept, but. The longer he went without begging for forgiveness, the harder the idea seemed, and his anger hadn’t gone away either. He was probably on his way to a normal lirek collar, but he couldn’t make himself do anything besides walk and get through the day while he stewed over how unfair this was. He was permitted twenty minutes of freedom, bread, and water at lunch, but that was it.
The shackles irritated his wrists, and not being able to bend his arms was a new torment. Yesterday, he wanted to straighten out his arms, and now, he couldn't wait to bend them for relief. The weight of the bar wasn’t great, but after so many hours, it made his shoulders ache. How was he supposed to want to be fucked in any way after two days of forced bondage keeping him worn out?
He couldn’t do it, and that little bit of anger in his chest wouldn’t go away either.
Jagger didn’t even take care of him that night. A guard gave him bread and water after he undid the bar. Luke had to stand by a cart wheel with his wrists shackled behind his back. A bit gag kept him quiet, not that he would dare complain since the guard might whip him without mercy. A chain ran to the wheel from his shackles, and that was how he stayed all night. The chain was too short for him to sit, so he had no choice but to remain standing.
He started crying long after everyone went to bed. If Jagger was pretending he didn’t exist now, he was definitely going to lose his owner, and he’d be on his own. As that reality sunk in, he realized he’d probably be raped by one of the guards at some point.
He should have obeyed and tried harder to serve.
Jagger was right. He did have some defiance left, and it had probably cost him his protection. Beyond that, he wouldn’t even have any kind touches or anybody that cared at least a little. He’d fucked himself over in every imaginable way, and it was surely too late now.
He managed to sleep by leaning against the wheel and tipping his head back, although his rest was shitty and uncomfortable. He wanted to lay down and cry some more when the camp came to life in the morning. Jagger still ignored him. The other guard freed him to give him bread and water, gagged him again once he finished eating, replaced the bar, and leashed him to the opposite wheel of the cart and away from everyone.
If he wasn’t given any freedom and the chance to go beg, that must mean he was going to lose Jagger. He was simply suffering now to humiliate and punish him. He’d probably be whipped tonight, and his special collar would be replaced with a ringless one.
And when that happened, he’d be sucking random cocks whenever or he'd be on his hands and knees and taking it up the ass. The others wouldn’t care if he came or pretended to enjoy it because they’d simply hurt him if he resisted.
Why had he let his anger and pride rule him?
He was shaking when the guard came to undo the lead. Everyone on horseback was mounted and taking their typical spots. Instead of being made to walk with the prisoners, the guard pulled him to Jagger who was his mount and handed him the long lead. Jagger said nothing as he took it, and he wouldn’t even look at Luke.
The gag prevented speech, and he was so frightened now, he wasn’t even sure what to say anyway. It was probably too late for apologies at this point. He walked along in shame as Jagger led him like a dog.
A good two hours passed while he debated what to do. If it was too late, he’d humiliate himself more if he tried to beg. The gag made him drool, and it had dripped down his chin and chest. With the bar keeping his arms out and straight, he probably looked ridiculous.
Jagger might say cruel words, and the others might laugh at him. Besides, Luke was terrified to hear what he feared most: Jagger was done with him, this was punishment, he’d endure it until his special collar was removed, and he should have apologized yesterday morning when he’d been given a chance.
To hear that would be beyond humiliating.
But maybe Luke should give up what little shreds of pride and defiance remained and see if Jagger would possibly keep him. Otherwise, he’d surely lose his protection and every ounce of kindness.
The horse was walking, and Luke hurried his feet until he could tap Jagger’s knee with one shackled hand. His face warmed at having to do it like that, but he had no choice.
Jagger kept his eyes ahead. “What?”
Luke mumbled nonsense through the gag. The pleading tone must have been enough since Jagger finally looked at him directly.
“Do you have something you wish to say to me?”
Luke nodded.
Jagger made the horse stop and said nothing as the group fully passed. A few guards glanced at them for a second but said nothing. It seemed if a senior guard wanted a moment, nobody had an issue with that.
Jagger held the lead as he dismounted to stand in front of Luke, and he pushed back the hood of his riding cloak while he peered at his slave. A few strands of hair had escaped the tie, and his brown eyes were hard to read.
He didn’t seem ready to take off the gag, so Luke figured he better find a way to speak without words. He lowered himself to his knees and carefully hunched over. It was hard without the use of his arms, but he rested his forehead on Jagger’s boot. For good measure, he stuck his ass up. He’d do anything at this point if he could stay.