Page 18 of Yours
“You’re always cold?”
“Not when I wear layers.”
“And you always catch something if you get too chilled?”
“For the most part.”
It still didn’t quite make sense to Luke. “So…you have a weak constitution too?”
“Luke, stop worrying about it. I’ve lived this long, and I’ll be fine. I know how to take care of myself.”
“I won’t ask again. I’m sorry, Master.”
“I’m not mad at you.”
He’d really been hoping to see Jagger naked so he could admire every inch and get his hole stuffed while feeling all of his bare body.
Since he was still between Jagger’s legs, he leaned forward more to kiss him. “Can I stay in here tonight?”
“I was already planning on letting you stay in my tent.” Jagger took his chin for a moment. “I’m going to give you something, and you best not take advantage of it. You’ve been smart about this so far, but I want to be extra sure.”
“Of course.”
“If you stay in my tent all night. I’m supposed to cuff your ankles and wrists, and run a chain from your wrists to ankles. It’s to hobble you so you can’t attack too easily, and you can’t run either. A sleeping guard can’t defend himself too easily.” Jagger lowered his voice. “I’m not going to do that.”
“You already left your whip in my reach, so I think you know you can trust me.”
Later, Luke nestled against Jagger’s side in the barely-there light of the lantern. Jagger snored slightly as Luke stared into space with a frown. Jagger had fucked him slow and soft in the privacy of their tent. After they had collapsed on the bedroll to enjoy the afterglow, Luke had tried to simply reach under his shirt to feel him. His hand had been warm, and he thought maybe that would be allowed, but Jagger had pushed it away.
He’d said that while Luke’s hand might have felt warm to him, it wasn’t to Jagger.
He hadn’t seemed mad, and he said that didn’t mean they couldn’t have affection. Just no hand to bare chest or sides.
Jagger hadn’t been a liar about anything so far, but it didn’t sound right to Luke. They had both been warm from exertion, and his hands weren’t cold, so how could they feel like that to someone else.
Unless Luke simply didn’t understand since he was generally healthy and had no experience with whatever Jagger had. Besides, he hadn’t lied about anything else, so why lie about this? He clearly trusted his slave enough to leave him free all night.
He told himself he wouldn’t go for bare skin or push the issue anymore. Jagger knew what was best for himself, and Luke put an arm over his clothed chest. His Master shifted in his sleep with a grunt, but his breathing evened back out. Luke closed his eyes and wished they could do this every night, but it seemed no guard went quite that far with his pet.
He woke up first in the morning and crawled to get on top of Jagger and kiss him. His Master jumped slightly, but he wrapped his arms around Luke.
“I didn’t mean to startle you.” Luke kissed him again. “Everybody’s up, which means we have to get ready. Or nearly everyone is up.”
Jagger sighed. “We just have a few more days left. I can't wait to be done with daily traveling.”
Luke tensed as he thought of what his first day there would be like. “I’d rather the trip continue.”
Jagger tightened his arms around him. “I know it’s terrifying, and nobody wants to be branded, but you’ll get through it. Think of all of the other prisoners there right now. They did. One day, you’ll be free of that place.”
Luke buried his face in Jagger’s shoulder as he tried not to think of the next branding and being trapped in a pillory all night. “It’s just pointless torture.”
Jagger sighed. “I know, but I don’t make the rules.”
Chapter Six
Pleasing Jagger however he said didn’t seem quite so bad anymore. His humiliation didn’t vanish, but focusing on his Master’s wants made it easier.
Jagger lightened up on him as they drew nearer so Luke wouldn’t be too tired. Everyone seemed to have toughened up during the walk except for Bread who still looked half-dead and often had to be convinced by other prisoners to eat. The one who had been raped the first night barely talked to anyone and kept to himself. Besides that, everyone also seemed more tired including the guards. Zaz seemed to perk up a bit because they had lost interest in him.