Page 21 of Yours
The carts had two handles sticking out, and a person stood between them, grabbed the handles, and started walking. All the other prisoners had a day off today, and enough rubble to last for two days lay in piles. It was a constant job as the prisoners mined farther in since whatever they chipped off the walls as they went further had to go somewhere.
Luke ended up shoveling all morning, and he thought his back would break. If they were too slow, the guards whipped them. A few looked like they wanted to collapse when they received water at noon, and even Luke was tempted to lay down and pretend that even the sting of a whip couldn’t make him move again.
Then he remembered any who collapsed would get to rest, but they’d receive a punishment whipping the next morning.
He forced himself to keep going when he ended up taking carts out that afternoon.
Pulling them uphill was almost worse than shoveling, and he couldn’t stop to rest unless he wanted to feel leather licking across his back again. When he took a handcart out, a proper cart awaited outside, and a couple of criminals waited by it. They had to fill it with the rocks brought out, and later, a guard would take the cart somewhere beyond the walls to dump it.
Both of the criminals leered at him when they saw his special collar, and one called him a cum midden.
Luke set his jaw and refused to look ashamed.
“If you ever want a real man, take off that collar, tell your guard you’re done, and come find me,” said the guy.
“Like your pathetic prick could satisfy me after what I’ve been getting from Jagger.”
It spilled out before Luke could think, and the guy looked like he wanted to throw a punch, but he told Luke to choke on guard cock and did nothing.
The collar really did work. It was almost like magic, and maybe the name Jagger helped too.
The satisfaction was short-lived since taking a handcart back and forth further wore him down. Going out was worse since it was uphill, and the cart had to be filled to the top. They only received water all day, and the guards were liberal with the whip. His hands were blistered from the handles, his thighs and calves screamed at him to stop, and his back had never hurt so much before. His stomach felt like it was eating itself, and he had a pounding headache that refused to go away.
Part of him wasn’t sure if he could make it for much longer, but he thought about getting this far, and how ashamed he’d be if gave up now. Jagger would want him to suck it up so he didn’t get punished tomorrow.
Luke took a few lashes on his last trip up because he was so exhausted, even crawling seemed like too much. But when he got out, he knew it was over because the guards had been telling the others to put away the tools so they could be accounted for. Nobody was allowed to take tools out of the mine for any reason whatsoever unless directly ordered.
The sun was setting, and they were finally allowed to sit outside for more bread and water. A couple of the guys nearly fell asleep while eating. After that, a guard pointed out a couple of things while another passed out plain shirts, pants, and crummy boots.
"The dining hall is closed now," said the first guard. "You can go to the barracks, and you can walk around the grounds a bit. Stay where the wall guards can see you, and don't get too near the wall. Someone guards the mine entrance all night, so don’t think about sneaking in to grab a pick to brain someone. Everyone needs to be in the barracks when you hear the bell."
Bread had somehow made it all day, although Luke wasn’t sure how, and he immediately laid down once the guard said they could go. Zaz dragged him up.
“I can’t-”
“You need a bed, not the ground. Come on. I’m tired too."
Beardy shuffled off after them with his shirt in hand. The others started to move toward a long, low building that the guard had pointed to when he mentioned the barracks. The dining hall was next to it.
A three-story building stood to one side as Luke looked around in the dying light. A two-story one stood next to it. Maybe guards stayed in those? The barracks and dining hall were straight ahead, and beyond that, a gate led out. Behind him was the mine, and to his left was a gallows and a whipping post. Public punishment or death could happen if someone managed to hurt or kill a guard. He wasn’t sure what happened if a prisoner killed another.
A few other small buildings were beyond the post and the gallows, but the guard hadn’t said anything about those. Luke wobbled toward the biggest building on legs that felt ready to give out. He wanted one thing even if it was just for a few minutes.
A couple of prisoners passed and looked at him, but they didn’t seem to care. This was a harsh place, but he figured not every single criminal was a cold bastard who was ready to rape or punch someone’s face in. The problem was knowing who was who, and not getting on someone’s bad side.
He paused as he wondered if he could go look for Jagger on his own. His Master had said they would spend time together, but Luke hadn’t thought to ask about where he stayed and slept.
He dared to ask a passing senior guard where Jagger might be, and she told him he was in the three-story building. If he wasn’t in the common room, his quarters were upstairs on the top floor, and that's likely where he'd be at.
“Their names are on the doors," she added.
“Can I go in there, Ma'am?”
“If you’re a pet, yeah, unless your owner says otherwise. But you’re filthy, so go clean up.”
“I don’t know where to go for that, Ma'am.”
She sighed. “Only because I like Jagger, I’ll show you. Otherwise, you figure stuff out here yourself or ask him.”